Anna Tchebotareva
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Cited by
Absorption and scattering microscopy of single metal nanoparticles
MA van Dijk, AL Tchebotareva, M Orrit, M Lippitz, S Berciaud, D Lasne, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 8 (30), 3486-3495, 2006
Acoustic oscillations and elastic moduli of single gold nanorods
P Zijlstra, AL Tchebotareva, JWM Chon, M Gu, M Orrit
Nano letters 8 (10), 3493-3497, 2008
Damping of acoustic vibrations of single gold nanoparticles optically trapped in water
PV Ruijgrok, P Zijlstra, AL Tchebotareva, M Orrit
Nano letters 12 (2), 1063-1069, 2012
Quantum frequency conversion of single photons from a nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond to telecommunication wavelengths
A Dréau, A Tchebotareva, AE Mahdaoui, C Bonato, R Hanson
Physical review applied 9 (6), 064031, 2018
Brownian fluctuations and heating of an optically aligned gold nanorod
PV Ruijgrok, NR Verhart, P Zijlstra, AL Tchebotareva, M Orrit
Physical review letters 107 (3), 037401, 2011
Purcell-factor-enhanced scattering from Si nanocrystals in an optical microcavity
TJ Kippenberg, AL Tchebotareva, J Kalkman, A Polman, KJ Vahala
Physical review letters 103 (2), 027406, 2009
Entanglement between a diamond spin qubit and a photonic time-bin qubit at telecom wavelength
A Tchebotareva, SLN Hermans, PC Humphreys, D Voigt, PJ Harmsma, ...
Physical review letters 123 (6), 063601, 2019
Probing the acoustic vibrations of single metal nanoparticles by ultrashort laser pulses
AL Tchebotareva, PV Ruijgrok, P Zijlstra, M Orrit
Laser & Photonics Reviews 4 (5), 581-597, 2010
Quenching of Si nanocrystal photoluminescence by doping with gold or phosphorous
AL Tchebotareva, MJA de Dood, JS Biteen, HA Atwater, A Polman
Journal of Luminescence 114 (2), 137-144, 2005
Acoustic and optical modes of single dumbbells of gold nanoparticles
AL Tchebotareva, MA Van Dijk, PV Ruijgrok, V Fokkema, ...
ChemPhysChem 10 (1), 111-114, 2009
Fabrication and characterization of erbium-doped toroidal microcavity lasers
J Kalkman, A Tchebotareva, A Polman, TJ Kippenberg, B Min, KJ Vahala
Journal of Applied Physics 99 (8), 2006
Properties of InAs nanocrystals in silicon formed by sequential ion implantation
AL Tchebotareva, JL Brebner, S Roorda, CW White
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2001
Erbium luminescence imaging of infrared surface plasmon polaritons
E Verhagen, AL Tchebotareva, A Polman
Applied physics letters 88 (12), 2006
Aboubakr El Mahdaoui, Cristian Bonato, and Ronald Hanson. 2018. Quantum frequency conversion of single photons from a nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond to telecommunication …
A Dréau, A Tchebotareva
Physical Review Applied 9 (6), 064031, 2018
Controlled passivation and luminescence blue shifts of isolated silicon nanocrystals
JS Biteen, AL Tchebotareva, A Polman, NS Lewis, HA Atwater
MRS Online Proceedings Library 770, 621-626, 2003
Structural properties of InAs nanocrystals formed by sequential implantation of In and As ions in the Si (100) matrix
A Tchebotareva, JL Brebner, S Roorda, P Desjardins, CW White
Journal of applied physics 92 (8), 4664-4671, 2002
Effect of proton implantation on the photosensitivity of SMF-28 optical fiber
AL Tchebotareva, JL Brebner, S Roorda, J Albert
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 1999
Flat resonances in one-dimensional quantum scattering
LV Chebotarev, A Tchebotareva
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 29 (22), 7259, 1996
Purcell factor reduced scattering losses in optical microcavities
TJ Kippenberg, A Tchebotareva, J Kalkman, A Polman, KJ Vahala
2005 European Quantum Electronics Conference, 358-358, 2005
Towards a spectrally multiplexed quantum repeater
T Chakraborty, A Das, H van Brug, O Pietx-Casas, PC Wang, GC Amaral, ...
npj Quantum Information 11 (1), 3, 2025
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Articles 1–20