Paul M. de Graaf
Paul M. de Graaf
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A standard international socio-economic index of occupational status
HBG Ganzeboom, PM De Graaf, DJ Treiman
Social science research 21 (1), 1-56, 1992
Parental cultural capital and educational attainment in the Netherlands: A refinement of the cultural capital perspective
ND De Graaf, PM De Graaf, G Kraaykamp
Sociology of education, 92-111, 2000
The impact of social and human capital on the income attainment of Dutch managers
EAW Boxman, PM De Graaf, HD Flap
Social networks 13 (1), 51-73, 1991
The impact of financial and cultural resources on educational attainment in the Netherlands
PM De Graaf
Sociology of education, 237-246, 1986
Collectivist versus individualist mobility regimes? Structural change and job mobility in four countries
TA DiPrete, PM De Graaf, R Luijkx, M Tahlin, HP Blossfeld
American journal of sociology 103 (2), 318-358, 1997
Effects of spouse's resources on occupational attainment in the Netherlands
W Bernasco, PM De Graaf, WC Ultee
European sociological review 14 (1), 15-31, 1998
Intermarriage and the risk of divorce in the Netherlands: The effects of differences in religion and in nationality, 1974–94
M Kalmijn, PM De Graaf, JPG Janssen
Population studies 59 (1), 71-85, 2005
Alternative routes in the remarriage market: Competing-risk analyses of union formation after divorce
PM De Graaf, M Kalmijn
Social forces 81 (4), 1459-1498, 2003
Change and stability in the social determinants of divorce: A comparison of marriage cohorts in the Netherlands
PM De Graaf, M Kalmijn
European sociological review 22 (5), 561-572, 2006
Family back‐ground and educational attainment in the Netherlands for the 1891-1960 birth cohorts
PM De Graaf
Westview Press, 1993
Interactions between cultural and economic determinants of divorce in the Netherlands
M Kalmijn, PM De Graaf, AR Poortman
Journal of Marriage and Family 66 (1), 75-89, 2004
Personality, social background, and occupational career success
J Gelissen, PM de Graaf
Social Science Research 35 (3), 702-726, 2006
Divorce motives in a period of rising divorce: Evidence from a Dutch life-history survey
PM De Graaf, M Kalmijn
Journal of family issues 27 (4), 483-505, 2006
Parents' financial and cultural resources, grades, and transition to secondary school in the Federal Republic of Germany
PM De Graaf
European sociological review 4 (3), 209-221, 1988
Trends in the intergenerational transmission of cultural and economic status
PM De Graaf, M Kalmijn
Acta Sociologica 44 (1), 51-66, 2001
Vocational training and career employment precariousness in Great Britain, the Netherlands and Sweden
T Korpi, P De Graaf, J Hendrickx, R Layte
Acta Sociologica 46 (1), 17-30, 2003
De Graaf, and Gerbert Kraaykamp. 2000.“Parental cultural capital and educational attainment in the Netherlands: A refinement of the cultural capital perspective.”
ND De Graaf, M Paul
Sociology of Education 73 (2), 92-111, 0
Trends in the occupational returns to educational credentials in the Dutch labor market: changes in structures and in the association?
MHJ Wolbers, PM De Graaf, WC Ultee
Acta sociologica 44 (1), 5-19, 2001
Employment status and subjective well-being: the role of the social norm to work
K Stam, I Sieben, E Verbakel, PM de Graaf
Work, employment and society 30 (2), 309-333, 2016
Reproduction theory on socialist ground: intergenerational transmission of inequalities in Hungary
HBG Ganzeboom, PM De Graaf, P Robert
Comparative studies of mobility and attainment, 79-104, 1990
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