Alexander Kowarik
Alexander Kowarik
Statistics Austria
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Cited by
Imputation with the R Package VIM
A Kowarik, M Templ
Journal of statistical software 74, 1-16, 2016
Iterative stepwise regression imputation using standard and robust methods
M Templ, A Kowarik, P Filzmoser
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 55 (10), 2793-2806, 2011
VIM: visualization and imputation of missing values
M Templ, A Alfons, A Kowarik, B Prantner
R package version 2 (3), 2, 2011
Statistical disclosure control for micro-data using the R package sdcMicro
M Templ, A Kowarik, B Meindl
Journal of Statistical Software 67, 1-36, 2015
Simulation of synthetic complex data: The R package simPop
M Templ, B Meindl, A Kowarik, O Dupriez
Journal of Statistical Software 79 (10), 1-38, 2017
Introduction to statistical disclosure control (sdc)
M Templ, B Meindl, A Kowarik, S Chen
Project: Relative to the testing of SDC algorithms and provision of …, 2013
Package ‘EnvStats’
SP Millard, A Kowarik, MA Kowarik
Package for Environmental Statistics. Version 2, 31-32, 2018
Actigraphic measurements in opioid detoxification with methadone or buprenorphine
E Pjrek, R Frey, A Naderi-Heiden, A Strnad, A Kowarik, S Kasper, ...
Journal of clinical psychopharmacology 32 (1), 75-82, 2012
sdcMicro: Statistical Disclosure Control methods for the generation of public-and scientific-use files
M Templ, A Kowarik, B Meindl
Manual and Package, 2013
Weighting procedure of the Austrian microcensus using administrative data
A Meraner, D Gumprecht, A Kowarik
Austrian Journal of Statistics 45 (3), 3-14, 2016
sdcMicro: Statistical Disclosure Control methods for anonymization of microdata and risk estimation
M Templ, A Kowarik, B Meindl
Last accessed 11, 2017, 2019
Seasonal Adjustment with the R Packages x12 and x12GUI
A Kowarik, A Meraner, M Templ, D Schopfhauser
Journal of Statistical Software 62, 1-21, 2015
sdcMicroGUI: Graphical user interface for package sdcMicro, 2013
A Kowarik, M Templ, B Meindl, F Fonteneau
URL http://CRAN. R-project. org/package= sdcMicroGUI. R package version 1 (3), 0
Visualization and imputation of missing values
M Templ, A Kowarik, A Alfons, B Prantner
High-resolution synthetic population mapping for quantifying disparities in disaster impacts: An application in the Bangladesh coastal zone
S Rubinyi, J Verschuur, R Goldblatt, J Gussenbauer, A Kowarik, J Mannix, ...
Frontiers in Environmental Science 10, 1033579, 2022
Statistical Disclosure Control methods for anonymization of microdata and risk estimatio
M Templ, A Kowarik, B Meindl
Hochschulprognose 2014
R Radinger, G Nachtmann, J Peterbauer, M Reif, A Hanika, A Kowarik, ...
Statistik Austria, Wien, 2014
An open source approach for modern teaching methods: The interactive tgui system
G Dinges, A Kowarik, B Meindl, M Templ
Journal of Statistical Software 39, 1-19, 2011
Interactive adjustment and outlier detection of time dependent data in R
A Kowarik, A Meraner, D Schopfhauser, M Templ
Conference of European Statisticians, Work Session on Statistical Data …, 2012
simPop: simulation of synthetic populations for survey data considering auxiliary information
B Meindl, M Templ, A Alfons, A Kowarik, M Ribatet
R package version 0.3. 0, URL https://CRAN. R-project. org/package= simPop, 2016
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Articles 1–20