Winifred (Winnie) A. Gebhardt
Winifred (Winnie) A. Gebhardt
Associate Professor of Health Psychology, Leiden University
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Negative life events and depressive symptoms in late adolescence: Bonding and cognitive coping as vulnerability factors?
V Kraaij, N Garnefski, EJ de Wilde, A Dijkstra, W Gebhardt, S Maes, ...
Journal of youth and adolescence 32, 185-193, 2003
Adolescent goal content and pursuit: A review of the literature from the past 16 years
EK Massey, WA Gebhardt, N Garnefski
Developmental Review 28 (4), 421-460, 2008
Measuring determinants of implementation behavior: psychometric properties of a questionnaire based on the theoretical domains framework
JM Huijg, WA Gebhardt, E Dusseldorp, MW Verheijden, N van der Zouwe, ...
Implementation Science 9, 1-15, 2014
Discriminant content validity of a theoretical domains framework questionnaire for use in implementation research
JM Huijg, WA Gebhardt, MR Crone, E Dusseldorp, J Presseau
Implementation Science 9, 1-16, 2014
Need for intimacy in relationships and motives for sex as determinants of adolescent condom use
WA Gebhardt, L Kuyper, G Greunsven
Journal of adolescent health 33 (3), 154-164, 2003
When worries make you sick: A review of perseverative cognition, the default stress response and somatic health
B Verkuil, JF Brosschot, WA Gebhardt, JF Thayer
Journal of Experimental Psychopathology 1 (1), jep. 009110, 2010
Factors influencing primary health care professionals’ physical activity promotion behaviors: a systematic review
JM Huijg, WA Gebhardt, MW Verheijden, N van der Zouwe, JD de Vries, ...
International journal of behavioral medicine 22, 32-50, 2015
Self-regulation and health behavior: The health behavior goal model
S Maes, W Gebhardt
Handbook of self-regulation, 343-368, 2000
Social drinking on social media: content analysis of the social aspects of alcohol-related posts on Facebook and Instagram
H Hendriks, B Van den Putte, WA Gebhardt, MA Moreno
Journal of Medical Internet Research 20 (6), e226, 2018
Desirability of control: Psychometric properties and relationships with locus of control, personality, coping, and mental and somatic complaints in three Dutch samples
WA Gebhardt, JF Brosschot
European journal of personality 16 (6), 423-438, 2002
Integrating social-psychological frameworks for health behavior research
WA Gebhardt, S Maes
American journal of health behavior 25 (6), 528-536, 2001
Personal goal facilitation through work: Implications for employee satisfaction and well‐being
L Doest, S Maes, WA Gebhardt, H Koelewijn
Applied Psychology 55 (2), 192-219, 2006
Internal, powerful others and chance locus of control: Relationships with personality, coping, stress and health
JF Brosschot, WA Gebhardt, GLR Godaert
Personality and individual Differences 16 (6), 839-852, 1994
Picture me drinking: Alcohol-related posts by Instagram influencers popular among adolescents and young adults
H Hendriks, D Wilmsen, W Van Dalen, WA Gebhardt
Frontiers in psychology 10, 2991, 2020
The Revised Health Hardiness Inventory (RHHI-24): psychometric properties and relationship with self-reported health and health behavior in two Dutch samples
WA Gebhardt, MP Van der Doef, LB Paul
Health education research 16 (5), 579-592, 2001
Social cognitive determinants of drinking in young adults: Beyond the alcohol expectancies paradigm
A Dijkstra, L Sweeney, W Gebhardt
Addictive Behaviors 26 (5), 689-706, 2001
Medical care-seeking and health-risk behavior in patients with head and neck cancer: the role of health value, control beliefs and psychological distress
DM Tromp, XDR Brouha, GJ Hordijk, JAM Winnubst, WA Gebhardt, ...
Health education research 20 (6), 665-675, 2005
With a little help from my goals: Integrating intergoal facilitation with the theory of planned behaviour to predict physical activity
J Presseau, FF Sniehotta, JJ Francis, WA Gebhardt
British Journal of Health Psychology 15 (4), 905-919, 2010
Condom use at first intercourse with a new partner in female adolescents and young adults: The role of cognitive planning and motives for having sex
WA Gebhardt, L Kuyper, E Dusseldorp
Archives of sexual behavior 35, 213-219, 2006
Implementation intentions for buying, carrying, discussing and using condoms: the role of the quality of plans
E De Vet, WA Gebhardt, J Sinnige, A Van Puffelen, B Van Lettow, ...
Health Education Research 26 (3), 443-455, 2011
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Articles 1–20