C.S.A. (Kris) van Koppen
C.S.A. (Kris) van Koppen
Emeritus Fellow Environmental Policy, Wageningen University
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Cited by
Spatial scales, stakeholders and the valuation of ecosystem services
L Hein, K Van Koppen, RS De Groot, EC Van Ierland
Ecological economics 57 (2), 209-228, 2006
Resource, arcadia, lifeworld. Nature concepts in environmental sociology
CSA Van Koppen
Sociologia Ruralis 40 (3), 300-318, 2000
Consumer responses to the carbon labelling of food: a real life experiment in a canteen practice
G Spaargaren, CSA Van Koppen, AM Janssen, A Hendriksen, ...
Sociologia Ruralis 53 (4), 432-453, 2013
'Your View of Nature is Not Mine!': Learning about pluralism in the classroom
S Lijmbach, MM Van Arcken, AEJ Wals
Environmental Education Research 8 (2), 121-135, 2002
Greening international shipping through private governance: A case study of the Clean Shipping Project
L Wuisan, J van Leeuwen, CSA van Koppen
Marine Policy 36 (1), 165-173, 2012
The soul of the machine: continual improvement in ISO 14001
MAC Brouwer, CSAK van Koppen
Journal of Cleaner Production 16 (4), 450-457, 2008
The effectiveness of socially responsible investment: a review
FAJ Wagemans, CSAK Koppen, APJ Mol
Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences 10 (3-4), 235-252, 2013
Role of culturally protected forests in biodiversity conservation in Southeast China
H Gao, Z Ouyang, S Chen, CSA Van Koppen
Biodiversity and Conservation 22, 531-544, 2013
Temporal scales, ecosystem dynamics, stakeholders and the valuation of ecosystems services
L Hein, CSAK van Koppen, EC van Ierland, J Leidekker
Ecosystem Services 21, 109-119, 2016
Echte natuur. Een sociaaltheoretisch onderzoek naar natuurwaardering en natuurbescherming in de moderne samenleving
CSA Van Koppen
Landbouwuniversiteit Wageningen, 2002
Provider strategies and the greening of consumption practices: Exploring the role of companies in sustainable consumption
G Spaargaren, CSA Van Koppen
The new Middle Classes, 81-100, 2009
The value of conceptual models in coping with complexity and interdisciplinarity in environmental sciences education
KPJ Fortuin, CSA Van Koppen, R Leemans
BioScience 61 (10), 802-814, 2011
Teaching and learning reflexive skills in inter-and transdisciplinary research: A framework and its application in environmental science education
KPJ Fortuin, CSA Van Koppen
Environmental Education Research 22 (5), 697-716, 2016
The significance of meaning. Why IPBES needs the social sciences and humanities
J Jetzkowitz, CSA Van Koppen, R Lidskog, K Ott, L Voget-Kleschin, ...
Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research 31 (sup1), S38-S60, 2018
Protecting nature: Organizations and networks in Europe and the USA
WT Markham
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2007
Environmental pollution liability insurance in China: in need of strong government backing
Y Feng, APJ Mol, Y Lu, G He, CSA Van Koppen
Ambio 43, 687-702, 2014
Environmental pollution liability insurance in China: compulsory or voluntary?
Y Feng, APJ Mol, Y Lu, G He, CSAK van Koppen
Journal of Cleaner Production 70, 211-219, 2014
Analysing the state of student participation in two Eco-Schools using Engeström’s Second Generation Activity Systems Model
LMU Schröder, AEJ Wals, CSA Van Koppen
Environmental Education Research 26 (8), 1088-1111, 2020
Biocultural diversity in the Netherlands: from ecologically noble savages towards biocultural creatives
BHM Elands, CSAK van Koppen
Forest-people interfaces, 181-193, 2012
Engagement on ESG issues by Dutch pension funds: is it reaching its full potential?
FAJ Wagemans, CSA Van Koppen, APJ Mol
Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment 8 (4), 301-322, 2018
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