Vicente Reyes-Puerta
Vicente Reyes-Puerta
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Cited by
Spontaneous neuronal activity in developing neocortical networks: from single cells to large-scale interactions
HJ Luhmann, A Sinning, JW Yang, V Reyes-Puerta, MC Stüttgen, ...
Frontiers in neural circuits 10, 40, 2016
Thalamic network oscillations synchronize ontogenetic columns in the newborn rat barrel cortex
JW Yang, S An, JJ Sun, V Reyes-Puerta, J Kindler, T Berger, W Kilb, ...
Cerebral Cortex 23 (6), 1299-1316, 2013
Laminar and columnar structure of sensory-evoked multineuronal spike sequences in adult rat barrel cortex in vivo
V Reyes-Puerta, JJ Sun, S Kim, W Kilb, HJ Luhmann
Cerebral Cortex 25 (8), 2001-2021, 2015
Layer-specific refinement of sensory coding in developing mouse barrel cortex
A van der Bourg, JW Yang, V Reyes-Puerta, B Laurenczy, M Wieckhorst, ...
Cerebral cortex 27 (10), 4835-4850, 2017
Spindle bursts in neonatal rat cerebral cortex
JW Yang, V Reyes-Puerta, W Kilb, HJ Luhmann
Neural plasticity 2016 (1), 3467832, 2016
Optogenetic modulation of a minor fraction of parvalbumin-positive interneurons specifically affects spatiotemporal dynamics of spontaneous and sensory-evoked activity in mouse …
JW Yang, PH Prouvot, V Reyes-Puerta, MC Stüttgen, A Stroh, ...
Cerebral Cortex 27 (12), 5784-5803, 2017
Role of the rostral superior colliculus in gaze anchoring during reach movements
V Reyes-Puerta, R Philipp, W Lindner, KP Hoffmann
Journal of neurophysiology 103 (6), 3153-3166, 2010
High stimulus-related information in barrel cortex inhibitory interneurons
V Reyes-Puerta, S Kim, JJ Sun, B Imbrosci, W Kilb, HJ Luhmann
PLoS computational biology 11 (6), e1004121, 2015
Propagation of spontaneous slow-wave activity across columns and layers of the adult rat barrel cortex in vivo
V Reyes-Puerta, JW Yang, ME Siwek, W Kilb, JJ Sun, HJ Luhmann
Brain Structure and Function 221, 4429-4449, 2016
Neuronal activity in the superior colliculus related to saccade initiation during coordinated gaze–reach movements
V Reyes‐Puerta, R Philipp, W Lindner, KP Hoffmann
European Journal of Neuroscience 34 (12), 1966-1982, 2011
Clustering and control for adaptation uncovers time-warped spike time patterns in cortical networks in vivo
JB Isbister, V Reyes-Puerta, JJ Sun, I Horenko, HJ Luhmann
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 15066, 2021
Influence of task predictability on the activity of neurons in the rostral superior colliculus during double-step saccades
V Reyes-Puerta, R Philipp, W Lindner, L Lünenburger, KP Hoffmann
Journal of neurophysiology 101 (6), 3199-3211, 2009
Temporal refinement of sensory‐evoked activity across layers in developing mouse barrel cortex
A van der Bourg, JW Yang, MC Stüttgen, V Reyes‐Puerta, F Helmchen, ...
European Journal of Neuroscience 50 (6), 2955-2969, 2019
Long-range intralaminar noise correlations in the barrel cortex
V Reyes-Puerta, Y Amitai, JJ Sun, I Shani, HJ Luhmann, M Shamir
Journal of Neurophysiology 113 (9), 3410-3420, 2015
Spatial structure of spiking correlations in the barrel cortex of anesthetized rats
V Reyes-Puerta, Y Amitai, I Shani, JJ Sun, HJ Luhmann, M Shamir
Large-scale neural assembly sequences evoked by sensory stimulation in the adult rat barrel cortex in vivo
V Reyes-Puerta, JJ Sun, S Kim, W Kilb, HJ Luhmann
ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA 210, 66-66, 2014
Spindle Bursts in Neonatal Rat Cerebral Cortex
Y Jenq-Wei, V Reyes-Puerta, W Kilb, HJ Luhmann
Neural Plasticity 2016, 2016
High stimulus-related information in inhibitory interneurons of the adult rat barrel cortex in vivo
V Reyes-Puerta, S Kim, JJ Sun, B Imbrosci, W Kilb, H Luhmann
ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA 213, 63-63, 2015
Spatiotemporal properties of neuronal assemblies in mice thalamocortical slices
J Mordel, V Reyes-Puerta, W Kilb, HJ Luhmann
ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA 210, 174-174, 2014
New insights into the role of the superior colliculus in coordinated gaze-reach movements
V Reyes-Puerta
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Articles 1–20