Paulan Korenhof
Paulan Korenhof
Wageningen University & Research
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Scrutinizing environmental governance in a digital age: New ways of seeing, participating, and intervening
S Kloppenburg, A Gupta, SRL Kruk, S Makris, R Bergsvik, P Korenhof, ...
One Earth 5 (3), 232-241, 2022
Steering representations—towards a critical understanding of digital twins
P Korenhof, V Blok, S Kloppenburg
Philosophy & technology 34, 1751-1773, 2021
Timing the right to be forgotten: A study into “time” as a factor in deciding about retention or erasure of data
P Korenhof, J Ausloos, I Szekely, M Ambrose, G Sartor, R Leenes
Reforming European data protection law, 171-201, 2015
The ABC of ABC: An analysis of attribute-based credentials in the light of data protection, privacy and identity.
PEI Korenhof, M Koning, G Alpár, JH Hoepman
Internet, Law and Politics: A decade of transformations, 357-374, 2014
Escaping the panopticon over time: Balancing the right to be forgotten and freedom of expression in a technological architecture
L Gorzeman, P Korenhof
Philosophy & Technology 30, 73-92, 2017
Forgetting bits and pieces: an exploration of the “right to be forgotten” as implementation of “forgetting” in online memory processes
P Korenhof
Privacy and Identity Management for Emerging Services and Technologies: 8th …, 2014
Contextualizing realism: An analysis of acts of seeing and recording in Digital Twin datafication
P Korenhof, E Giesbers, J Sanderse
Big Data & Society 10 (1), 20539517231155061, 2023
Forgetting bits and pieces: an exploration of the right to be forgotten in online memory process
P Korenhof
Tilburg Institute for Law and Technology Working Paper Series 4 (6), 2013
Identity construction and the right to be forgotten: The case of gender identity
P Korenhof, BJ Koops
The ethics of memory in a digital age: Interrogating the right to be …, 2014
Stage ahoy! Deconstruction of the “Drunken Pirate” Case in the Light of Impression Management
P Korenhof
Reloading Data Protection: Multidisciplinary Insights and Contemporary …, 2013
Let's forget about it: The web of problems for the right to be forgotten
PEI Korenhof
A Pancani, PEIP Korenhof
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Artikelen 1–12