Frank van Tubergen
Frank van Tubergen
Head Department NIDI-KNAW / University of Groningen and Professor Utrecht University
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Cited by
The economic incorporation of immigrants in 18 western societies: Origin, destination, and community effects
F Van Tubergen, I Maas, H Flap
American sociological review 69 (5), 704-727, 2004
Ethnic intermarriage in the Netherlands: confirmations and refutations of accepted insights: Les mariages mixtes inter-ethniques aux Pays-Bas: confirmations et infirmations des …
M Kalmijn, F Van Tubergen
European Journal of Population/Revue europeenne de demographie 22, 371-397, 2006
The Employment Experience of Refugees in the Netherlands
T De Vroome, F Van Tubergen
International Migration Review 44 (2), 376-403, 2010
The Integration of Immigrants in Cross-national Perspective: Origin, Destination, and Community Effects
F Van Tubergen
Univ., 2005
Religious Attendance in Cross‐National Perspective: A Multilevel Analysis of 60 Countries
S Ruiter, F Van Tubergen
American Journal of Sociology 115 (3), 863-895, 2009
Ethnicity, schooling, and merit in the Netherlands
HG Van de Werfhorst, F Van Tubergen
Ethnicities 7 (3), 416-444, 2007
Destination-language proficiency in cross-national perspective: A study of immigrant groups in nine western countries
F Van Tubergen, M Kalmijn
American Journal of Sociology 110 (5), 1412-1457, 2005
Dynamics of interethnic contact: A panel study of immigrants in the Netherlands
B Martinovic, F Van Tubergen, I Maas
European Sociological Review 25 (3), 303-318, 2009
A comparative perspective on intermarriage: Explaining differences among national-origin groups in the United States
M Kalmijn, F Van Tubergen
Demography 47 (2), 459-479, 2010
The impact of origin and host country schooling on the economic performance of immigrants
A Kanas, F Van Tubergen
Social Forces 88 (2), 893-915, 2009
The religiosity of immigrants in Europe: A cross‐national study
F Van Tubergen, JI Sindradottir
Journal for the scientific study of religion 50 (2), 272-288, 2011
Discrimination of Arabic-named applicants in the Netherlands: An internet-based field experiment examining different phases in online recruitment procedures
L Blommaert, M Coenders, F Van Tubergen
Social forces 92 (3), 957-982, 2014
Self-employment of immigrants: A cross-national study of 17 western societies
F Van Tubergen
Social forces 84 (2), 709-732, 2005
Immigrant self-employment: Testing hypotheses about the role of origin-and host-country human capital and bonding and bridging social capital
A Kanas, F Van Tubergen, T Van der Lippe
Work and Occupations 36 (3), 181-208, 2009
Religious affiliation and participation among immigrants in a secular society: A study of immigrants in the Netherlands
F Van Tubergen
Journal of ethnic and migration studies 33 (5), 747-765, 2007
Ethnic composition and friendship segregation: differential effects for adolescent natives and immigrants
S Smith, F Van Tubergen, I Maas, DA McFarland
American Journal of Sociology 121 (4), 1223-1272, 2016
Religious affiliation and attendance among immigrants in eight western countries: Individual and contextual effects
F Van Tubergen
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 45 (1), 1-22, 2006
Social Contacts and the Economic Performance of Immigrants: A Panel Study of Immigrants in G ermany
A Kanas, BR Chiswick, T Van Der Lippe, F Van Tubergen
International Migration Review 46 (3), 680-709, 2012
Sources of segregation in social networks: A novel approach using Facebook
B Hofstra, R Corten, F Van Tubergen, NB Ellison
American Sociological Review 82 (3), 625-656, 2017
Determinants of second language proficiency among refugees in the Netherlands
F Van Tubergen
Social Forces 89 (2), 515-534, 2010
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Articles 1–20