FHJM Coenen
Cited by
Cited by
Public participation and better environmental decisions: the promise and limits of participatory processes for the quality of environmentally related decision-making
FHJM Coenen
Springer Verlag, 2009
Participation and the Quality of Environmental Decision Making
FHJM Coenen, D Huitema, LJ O’Toole
Participation and the Quality of Environmental Decision Making, 1998
Reflections on the uptake of climate change policies by local governments: facing the challenges of mitigation and adaptation
T Hoppe, MM van den Berg, F Coenen
Energy, Sustainability and Society, 2014
Integrating climate change adaptation into Dutch local policies and the role of contextual factors
M van den Berg, F Coenen
Local Environment 17 (4), 441-460, 2012
Testing the social, organizational, and governance factors for success in local low carbon energy initiatives
B Warbroek, T Hoppe, H Bressers, F Coenen
Energy Research & Social Science 58, 101269, 2019
Illustrating the use of concepts from the discipline of policy studies in energy research: An explorative literature review
T Hoppe, F Coenen, M van den Berg
Energy research & social science 21, 12-32, 2016
The role of intermediaries in supporting local low-carbon energy initiatives
B Warbroek, T Hoppe, F Coenen, H Bressers
Sustainability 10 (7), 2450, 2018
Creating an analytical framework for local sustainability performance: a Dutch case study
T Hoppe, F Coenen
Local Environment 16 (3), 229-250, 2011
Local Agenda 21:‘meaningful and effective’participation
F Coenen
Public participation and better environmental decisions 165, 165-182, 2009
Irrigated agriculture and environmental sustainability: an alignment perspective
G Özerol, H Bressers, F Coenen
Environmental science & policy 23, 57-67, 2012
The role of local authorities in a transition towards a climate-neutral society
F Coenen, M Menkveld
Global warming and social innovation, 107-125, 2013
Integrating climate change adaptation into civil protection: comparative lessons from Norway, Sweden and the Netherlands
K Groven, C Aall, M van den Berg, A Carlsson-Kanyama, F Coenen
Local Environment 17 (6-7), 679-694, 2012
The status of LA21 in Europe: A comparative overview
FHJM Coenen, K Eckerberg, WM Lafferty
Implementing LA21 in Europe: New initiatives for sustainable communities …, 1999
De evolutie van inspraak in de Nederlandse planning
FHJM Coenen, RA Van De Peppel, J Woltjer
Beleidswetenschap 15 (4), 313-332, 2001
The playing field of local climate policy
M Menkveld, F Coenen
ECN-C--01-045, Petten, 2001
The Netherlands Probing the essence of LA21 as a value-added approach to sustainable development and local democracy
F Coenen
Sustainable communities in Europe, 2001
De effectiviteit van gemeentelijke milieubeleidsplanning.
FHJM Coenen
Renewable energy cooperatives as a stimulating factor in household energy savings
T Hoppe, FHJM Coenen, MT Bekendam
Energies 12 (7), 1188, 2019
Exploring energy saving policy measures by renewable energy supplying cooperatives (REScoops)
F Coenen, T Hoppe, G Chalkiadakis, CAT Tsoutsos
eceee 2017 Summer Study, 2017
Pollution prevention projects in the Netherlands
TJNM de Bruijn, FHJM Coenen, KRD Lulofs
Journal of Cleaner Production 4 (1), 41-53, 1996
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Articles 1–20