Marianna Capasso
Marianna Capasso
PostDoctoral Researcher, Utrecht University
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Cited by
Value sensitive design to achieve the UN SDGs with AI: A case of elderly care robots
S Umbrello, M Capasso, M Balistreri, A Pirni, F Merenda
Minds and Machines 31 (3), 395-419, 2021
Responsible nudging for social good: new healthcare skills for AI-driven digital personal assistants
M Capasso, S Umbrello
Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 25 (1), 11-22, 2022
Robot care ethics between autonomy and vulnerability: coupling principles and practices in autonomous systems for care
A Pirni, M Balistreri, M Capasso, S Umbrello, F Merenda
Frontiers in Robotics and AI 8, 654298, 2021
Technology as driver for morally motivated conceptual engineering
H Veluwenkamp, M Capasso, J Maas, L Marin
Philosophy & Technology 35 (3), 71, 2022
Maximizing team synergy in AI-related interdisciplinary groups: an interdisciplinary-by-design iterative methodology
P Bisconti, D Orsitto, F Fedorczyk, F Brau, M Capasso, L De Marinis, ...
AI & SOCIETY 38 (4), 1443-1452, 2023
Manipulation as digital invasion: A neo-republican approach
M Capasso
The Philosophy of Online Manipulation, 180-198, 2022
Responsible Social Robotics and the Dilemma of Control
M Capasso
International Journal of Social Robotics 15 (12), 1981-1991, 2023
Big Tech corporations and AI: A Social License to Operate and Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships in the Digital Age
M Capasso, S Umbrello
The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence for the Sustainable Development Goals …, 2023
The Right to Mental Integrity in the Age of Artificial Intelligence: Cognitive Human Enhancement Technologies
SE Biber, M Capasso
Law and Artificial Intelligence: Regulating AI and Applying AI in Legal …, 2022
On the Kantian distinction between Ethics and Right: Linearity and Mediation
M Capasso, A Pirni
Con-textos Kantianos: International Journal of Philosophy, 344-364, 2021
Sustainable Climate Engineering Innovation and the Need for Accountability
M Capasso, S Umbrello
Technology and Sustainable Development. The Promise and Pitfalls of Techno …, 2023
Un altro tipo di Veleno. La Manipolazione e l’Intelligenza Artificiale: cosa cambia e perché
M Capasso
Tecnologia, Politica e Società, 119-135, 2024
Libertà nell’era dell’Intelligenza Artificiale tra Lavoro, Democrazia e Design
M Capasso, F Santoni de Sio
Filosofia dell’Intelligenza Artificiale. Sfide Etiche e Teoriche, 83-100, 2024
Influenze Digitali tra Libertà e Dominio. Come i Sistemi di Intelligenza Artificiale Interferiscono nelle Scelte
M Capasso
Etica, conoscenza, spazio pubblico, 83-91, 2023
Social Robots Between Trust and Deception: The Impact on Institutions and Practices
P Dario, G Ciuti, A Pirni, M Capasso, P Bisconti
Social Robots in Social Institutions, 677-682, 2023
Correction to: Technology as Driver for Morally Motivated Conceptual Engineering
H Veluwenkamp, M Capasso, J Maas, L Marin
Philosophy & Technology 35 (4), 105, 2022
Positions of Power. Freedom and Control in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
Design for Values (DfV) in Action. The case of Robotics for Social Sustainability
M Capasso, A Pirni, G Ciuti, P Dario
2022 I-RIM Conference 1, 176-179, 2022
Genetic Enhancement and the CRISP-cas9 Case: an Attempt for an Agency Approach
M Capasso, I Santoemma
Ramon Llull Journal of Applied Ethics, 305-329, 2020
Re-imagining democracy. How to create a shared political space
M Capasso
EQVODLIBET 1, 65-85, 2019
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Articles 1–20