Pradeep Kumar
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Cited by
Brownian motion model of the interactions between chemical species and metallic electrons: Bootstrap derivation and parameter evaluation
EG d'Agliano, P Kumar, W Schaich, H Suhl
Physical Review B 11 (6), 2122, 1975
Magnetic solitons in superfluid He 3
K Maki, P Kumar
Physical Review B 14 (1), 118, 1976
Linear response theory of the driving forces for electromigration
P Kumar, RS Sorbello
Thin Solid Films 25 (1), 25-35, 1975
Two-component order-parameter model for pure and thorium-doped superconducting UBe 13
P Kumar, P Wolfle
Physical review letters 59 (17), 1954, 1987
Composite solitons and magnetic resonance in superfluid He 3− A. II
K Maki, P Kumar
Physical Review B 17 (3), 1088, 1978
Thermodynamic considerations and the phase diagram of superconducting UPt 3
SK Yip, T Li, P Kumar
Physical Review B 43 (4), 2742, 1991
Soliton instability in a one-dimensional magnet
P Kumar
Physical Review B 25 (1), 483, 1982
Composite solitons and magnetic resonances in superfluid He 3-A
K Maki, P Kumar
Physical Review B 16 (1), 182, 1977
Composite Magnetic Solitons in Superfluid He 3-A
K Maki, P Kumar
Physical Review Letters 38 (10), 557, 1977
Effects of next-nearest-neighbor hopping on the hole motion in an antiferromagnetic background
A Schiller, P Kumar, R Strack, D Vollhardt
Physical Review B 51 (13), 8337, 1995
Nuclear spin interaction in copper: NMR at high polarization and in low fields
JP Ekström, JF Jacquinot, MT Loponen, JK Soini, P Kumar
Physica B+ C 98 (1-2), 45-52, 1979
Supercurrent tunneling between conventional and unconventional superconductors: A Ginzburg-Landau approach
SK Yip, OFDA Bonfim, P Kumar
Physical Review B 41 (16), 11214, 1990
Soliton dynamics on an easy-plane ferromagnetic chain
G Wysin, AR Bishop, P Kumar
Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics 17 (33), 5975, 1984
Soliton dynamics on a ferromagnetic chain
G Wysin, AR Bishop, P Kumar
Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics 15 (11), L337, 1982
Interaction between soliton pairs in a double sine-Gordon equation
J Shiefman, P Kumar
Physica Scripta 20 (3-4), 435, 1979
Quantum‐size effects on the band edge of CdTe clusters in glass
BG Potter Jr, JH Simmons, P Kumar, CJ Stanton
Journal of applied physics 75 (12), 8039-8045, 1994
Tunneling exchange, supersymmetry, and Riccati equations
P Kumar, M Ruiz-Altaba, BS Thomas
Physical review letters 57 (21), 2749, 1986
Magnetic phase transition at a surface: Mean-field theory
P Kumar
Physical Review B 10 (7), 2928, 1974
Plasma oscillation of a charge layer at an insulator surface
DE Beck, P Kumar
Physical Review B 13 (7), 2859, 1976
Collective heavy-fermion state and superconductivity in : A specific heat study
CR Rotundu, P Kumar, B Andraka
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 73 (1), 014515, 2006
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