David J Clarke
Cited by
Cited by
Universal topological quantum computation from a superconductor/Abelian quantum Hall heterostructure
R Mong, DJ Clarke, J Alicea, NH Lindner, P Fendley, C Nayak, Y Oreg, ...
Phys Rev X 4, 011036, 2014
Exotic non-Abelian anyons from conventional fractional quantum Hall states
D Clarke, J Alicea, K Shtengel
Nature Communication 4, 1348, 2013
Dynamics of domain walls in magnetic nanostrips
OA Tretiakov, D Clarke, GW Chern, YB Bazaliy, O Tchernyshyov
Physical review letters 100 (12), 127204, 2008
Diversity-oriented synthesis yields novel multistage antimalarial inhibitors
N Kato, E Comer, T Sakata-Kato, A Sharma, M Sharma, M Maetani, ...
Nature 538 (7625), 344-349, 2016
Controlling non-Abelian statistics of Majorana fermions in semiconductor nanowires
JD Sau, DJ Clarke, S Tewari
Physical Review B 84 (9), 094505, 2011
Dynamics of a vortex domain wall in a magnetic nanostrip: an application of the collective coordinate approach
DJ Clarke, OA Tretiakov, GW Chern, YB Bazaliy, O Tchernyshyov
Physical Review B 78, 134412, 2008
Majorana fermion exchange in quasi-one-dimensional networks
DJ Clarke, JD Sau, S Tewari
Physical Review B 84, 035120, 2011
Experimentally accessible topological quality factor for wires with zero energy modes
DJ Clarke
Physical Review B 96 (20), 201109, 2017
Exotic Circuit Elements from zero-modes in hybrid superconductor-quantum-Hall systems
DJ Clarke, J Alicea, K Shtengel
Nature Physics, 2014
Parafermionic conformal field theory on the lattice
R Mong, DJ Clarke, J Alicea, NH Lindner, P Fendley
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 47, 452001, 2014
Assembling Fibonacci anyons from a parafermion lattice model
EM Stoudenmire, DJ Clarke, RSK Mong, J Alicea
Physical Review B 91 (23), 235112, 2015
Implementing arbitrary phase gates with Ising anyons
P Bonderson, DJ Clarke, K Shtengel
Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 180505, 2010
Asymmetric Domain Nucleation and Unusual Magnetization Reversal in Ultrathin Co Films<? format?> with Perpendicular Anisotropy
YL Iunin, YP Kabanov, VI Nikitenko, XM Cheng, D Clarke, OA Tretiakov, ...
Physical review letters 98 (11), 117204, 2007
Condensation of magnons and spinons in a frustrated ladder
JB Fouet, F Mila, D Clarke, H Youk, O Tchernyshyov, P Fendley, ...
Physical Review B 73, 214405, 2006
Stripes in thin ferromagnetic films with out-of-plane anisotropy
D Clarke, OA Tretiakov, O Tchernyshyov
Physical Review B 75, 174433, 2007
A practical phase gate for producing bell violations in majorana wires
DJ Clarke, JD Sau, S Das Sarma
Physical Review X 6 (2), 021005, 2016
Improved phase gate reliability in systems with neutral Ising anyons
DJ Clarke, K Shtengel
Phys. Rev. B 82, 180519(R), 2010
Adiabatic phase gates in parity-based quantum computers
D Clarke, JD Sau, SD Sarma
US Patent 10,133,984, 2018
Probability and braiding statistics in Majorana nanowires
DJ Clarke, JD Sau, S Das Sarma
Physical Review B 95 (15), 155451, 2017
Fast, lifetime-preserving readout for high-coherence quantum annealers
JA Grover, JI Basham, A Marakov, SM Disseler, RT Hinkey, M Khalil, ...
PRX Quantum 1 (2), 020314, 2020
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Articles 1–20