Bryan J Sigel
Bryan J Sigel
Professor of Biology, Nevada State University
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Avian community response to lowland tropical rainforest isolation: 40 years of change at La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica
BJ Sigel, TW Sherry, BE Young
Conservation Biology 20 (1), 111-121, 2006
Large-Scale Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: Can Local Disturbance Affect Distant Ecosystems through Migratory Shorebirds?
JR Henkel, BJ Sigel, CM Taylor
BioScience 62 (7), 676-685, 2012
Comparing bird community responses to forest fragmentation in two lowland Central American reserves
BJ Sigel, WD Robinson, TW Sherry
Biological Conservation 143 (2), 340-350, 2010
Patterns and causes of understory bird declines in human-disturbed tropical forest landscapes: A case study from Central America
DM Visco, NL Michel, WA Boyle, BJ Sigel, S Woltmann, TW Sherry
Biological Conservation 191, 117-129, 2015
Ongoing changes in the avifauna of La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica: twenty-three years of Christmas bird counts
WA Boyle, BJ Sigel
Biological Conservation 188, 11-21, 2015
Nesting success of Costa Rican lowland rain forest birds in response to edge and isolation effects
BE Young, TW Sherry, BJ Sigel, S Woltmann
Biotropica 40 (5), 615-622, 2008
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons detected in Common Loons (Gavia immer) wintering off coastal Louisiana
JD Paruk, D Long, C Perkins, A East, BJ Sigel, DC Evers
Waterbirds 37 (sp1), 85-93, 2014
Influence of sediment characteristics on the composition of soft-sediment intertidal communities in the northern Gulf of Mexico
KE Coblentz, JR Henkel, BJ Sigel, CM Taylor
PeerJ 3, e1014, 2015
Lista patron de las aves de Nicaragua: Con informacion de nuevos registros, distribucion y localidades donde observar aves.
JC Martinez-Sanchez, W Arendt, O Arroliga, E Castañeda, L Chavarria, ...
New and noteworthy records of birds from south-eastern Nicaragua
C Múnera-Roldán, ML Cody, RH Schiele-Zavala, BJ Sigel, S Woltmann, ...
Oiling rates and condition indices of shorebirds on the northern Gulf of Mexico following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill
JR Henkel, BJ Sigel, CM Taylor
Journal of Field Ornithology 85 (4), 408-420, 2014
The use of laser diffraction particle size analyzers for inference on infauna-sediment relationships
KE Coblentz, JR Henkel, BJ Sigel, CM Taylor
Estuaries and coasts 38, 699-702, 2015
Oiling of American white pelicans, common loons, and northern gannets in the winter following the Deepwater Horizon (MC252) oil spill
JD Paruk, IJ Stenhouse, BJ Sigel, EM Adams, WA Montevecchi, DC Evers, ...
Environmental monitoring and assessment 191, 1-9, 2019
Dissertation, Ph. D., Tulane University, School of Science and Engineering, Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology (USA). The susceptibility of tropical forest bird …
BJ Sigel
CoblentzKyle IntegrativeBiologyInfluenceSedimentCharacteristics. pdf
KE Coblentz, JR Henkel, BJ Sigel, CM Taylor
CoblentzKyle IntegrativeBiologyInfluenceSedimentCharacteristicsSupplementaryTable. pdf
KE Coblentz, JR Henkel, BJ Sigel, CM Taylor
Avifaunal community changes in a lowland tropical rainforest: 20-year changes at the La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica. Cambios en la comunidad de la avifauna en un …
BJ Sigel, TW Sherry, BE Young
North American Ornithological Conference. III. Abstracts, New Orleans, LA …, 0
Impact of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on Migratory Shorebirds: The Gulf and Beyond
BJ Sigel, J Henkel, C Taylor, TW Sherry
Migration ecology of shorebirds on the Northern Gulf of Mexico
JR Henkel, BJ Sigel, KE Coblentz, CM Taylor
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Articles 1–19