Dara M Wald
Cited by
Cited by
Design Principles for Engaging and Retaining Virtual Citizen Scientists
DM Wald, J Longo, AR Dobell
Conservation Biology, 2016
Outdoor cats: Identifying differences between stakeholder beliefs, perceived impacts, risk and management
DM Wald, SK Jacobson, JK Levy
Biological Conservation 167, 414-424, 2013
Network governance for large-scale natural resource conservation and the challenge of capture
RP Bixler, DM Wald, LA Ogden, KM Leong, EW Johnston, M Romolini
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 14 (3), 165-171, 2016
The role of trust in public attitudes toward invasive species management on Guam: A case study
DM Wald, KA Nelson, AM Gawel, HS Rogers
Journal of environmental management 229, 133-144, 2019
A life‐cycle analysis of minority underrepresentation in natural resource fields
N Haynes, SK Jacobson, DM Wald
Wildlife Society Bulletin 39 (2), 228-238, 2015
An understanding of trust, identity, and power can enhance equitable and resilient conservation partnerships and processes
AM Dietsch, DM Wald, MJ Stern, B Tully
Conservation Science and Practice 3 (6), e421, 2021
Understanding the influence of power and empathic perspective-taking on collaborative natural resource management
DM Wald, EA Segal, EW Johnston, A Vinze
Journal of environmental management 199, 201-210, 2017
The role of scientific source credibility and goodwill in public skepticism toward GM foods
KP Hunt, DM Wald
Environmental Communication 14 (7), 971-986, 2020
Who are American evangelical Protestants and why do they matter for US climate policy?
RG Veldman, DM Wald, SB Mills, DAM Peterson
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 12 (2), e693, 2021
Factors affecting student tolerance for free-roaming cats
DM Wald, SK Jacobson
Human Dimensions of Wildlife 18 (4), 263-278, 2013
A Multivariate Model of Stakeholder Preference for Lethal Cat Management
DM Wald, SK Jacobson
PLOS One 9 (4), 2014
Conservation value of residential open space: Designation and management language of Florida’s land development regulations
DM Wald, ME Hostetler
Sustainability 2 (6), 1536-1552, 2010
Public perceptions of feral cats within an urban conservancy on a campus of the University of KwaZulu-Natal
JK Tennent, CT Downs, DM Wald, HK Watson
South African Journal of Wildlife Research-24-month delayed open access 40 …, 2010
CATS AND CONSERVATIONISTS: The Debate Over who Owns the Outdoors
PURDUE University Press, 2020
Carbon or cash: Evaluating the effectiveness of environmental and economic messages on attitudes about wind energy in the United States
DAM Peterson, KC Carter, DM Wald, W Gustafson, S Hartz, J Donahue, ...
Energy Research & Social Science 51, 119-128, 2019
A comparison of cat-related risk perceptions and tolerance for outdoor cats in Florida and Hawaii.
DM Wald, CA Lohr, CA Lepczyk, SK Jacobson, LJ Cox
Conservation biology: the journal of the Society for Conservation Biology 30 …, 2016
Communicating with farmers about conservation practices: Lessons learned from a systematic review of survey studies
L Witzling, D Wald, E Williams
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 76 (5), 424-434, 2021
How does personalization in news stories influence intentions to help with drought? Assessing the influence of state empathy and its antecedents
DM Wald, EW Johnston, N Wellman, J Harlow
Frontiers in Communication 5, 588978, 2021
Urban Wildlife Communication and Negotiation
SK Jacobson, DM Wald, N Haynes, R Sakurai
Urban Wildlife Theory and Practice, 217-238, 2014
The Future of Policy Informatics
J Longo, DM Wald, DM Hondula
Governance in the Information Era: Theory and Practice of Policy Informatics …, 2015
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Articles 1–20