Meghann Ormond
Meghann Ormond
Associate Professor, Cultural Geography, Wageningen University
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Cited by
Connecting with prospective medical tourists online: A cross-sectional analysis of private hospital websites promoting medical tourism in India, Malaysia and Thailand
S Moghavvemi, M Ormond, G Musa, CRM Isa, T Thirumoorthi, ...
Tourism Management 58 (10.1016/j.tourman.2016.10.010), 154–163, 2017
More than medical tourism: Lessons from Indonesia and Malaysia on South-South intra-regional medical travel
M Ormond, D Sulianti
Current Issues in Tourism 20 (1), DOI:10.1080/13683500.2014, 2014
The role of health in integration
D Ingleby, M Chimienti, P Hatziprokopiou, M Ormond, C de Freitas
Social integration and mobility: education, housing and health. IMISCOE …, 2005
Neoliberal Governance and International Medical Travel in Malaysia
M Ormond
Routledge, 2013
Reunificação familiar e imigração em Portugal
ML Fonseca, M Ormond, J Malheiros, M Patricio, F Martins
Acidi, Ip 15,, 2005
Medical tourism in Malaysia: How can we better identify and manage its advantages and disadvantages?
M Ormond, KM Wong, CK Chan
Global Health Action 7 (25201), DOI:10.3402/gha.v7.25201, 2014
Transnational health care, cross-border perspectives
D Bell, R Holliday, ME Ormond, T Mainil
Social Science and Medicine 124, 284-9. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2014.11, 2015
Shifting subjects of health‐care: Placing ‘medical tourism’ in the context of Malaysian domestic health‐care reform
M Ormond
Asia Pacific Viewpoint 52 (3), 247-259, 2011
Policy Implications of Medical Tourism Development in Destination Countries: Revisiting and Revising an Existing Framework by Examining the Case of Jamaica
R Johnston, VA Crooks, M Ormond
Globalization and Health 11 (29), DOI: 10.1186/s12992-015-0113-0, 2015
You, too, can be an international medical traveler: Reading medical travel guidebooks
M Ormond, M Sothern
Health and Place 18 (5), 935-941, 2012
Medical tourism, medical exile: Responding to the cross-border pursuit of health care in Malaysia
M Ormond
Real Tourism: Practice, Care and Politics in Contemporary Travel, 143-161, 2011
Immigration, the internet, and spaces of politics
LA Staeheli, V Ledwith, M Ormond, K Reed, A Sumpter, D Trudeau
Political Geography 21 (8), 989-1012, 2002
En route: Transport and embodiment in international medical travel journeys between Indonesia and Malaysia
M Ormond
Mobilities 10 (2), 285-303, DOI:10.1080/17450101.2013, 2015
Transnational medical travel: Patient mobility, shifting health system entitlements and attachments
M Ormond, N Lunt
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 46 (20), 4179-4192, 2020
Solidarity by demand? Exit and voice in international medical travel – The case of Indonesia
M Ormond
Social Science and Medicine 124, doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2014.06.007, 2015
A state-level analysis of the economic impacts of medical tourism in Malaysia
J Klijs, M Ormond, T Mainil, J Peerlings, W Heijman
Asian-Pacific Economic Literature 30 (1), 10.1111/apel.12132, 2016
Harnessing 'diasporic' medical mobilities
M Ormond
Migration, Health and Inequality, 150-162, 2013
Medical tourism
M Ormond
The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Tourism, 425-434, 2014
Beyond multicultural ‘tolerance’: Guided tours and guidebooks as transformative tools for civic learning
M Ormond, F Vietti
Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 10.1080/09669582.2021.1901908, 2021
Confronting economic precariousness through international retirement migration: Japan’s old-age "economic refugees" and Germany’s "exported grannies"
M Ormond, M Toyota
Tourism and Leisure Mobilities: Politics, Work and Play, 134-146, 2016
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Articles 1–20