Srijit Goswami
Cited by
Cited by
Graphene-MoS2 hybrid structures for multifunctional photoresponsive memory devices
K Roy, M Padmanabhan, S Goswami, TP Sai, G Ramalingam, ...
Nature Nanotechnology 8 (11), 826-830, 2013
Controllable valley splitting in silicon quantum devices
S Goswami*, KA Slinker*, M Friesen*, LM McGuire, JL Truitt, C Tahan, ...
Nature Physics 3 (1), 41-45, 2007
Ballistic Josephson junctions in edge-contacted graphene
VE Calado*, S Goswami*, G Nanda, M Diez, AR Akhmerov, K Watanabe, ...
Nature Nanotechnology 10, 761, 2015
Ballistic superconductivity in semiconductor nanowires
H Zhang, Ö Gül, S Conesa-Boj, MP Nowak, M Wimmer, K Zuo, V Mourik, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 16025, 2017
Current-phase relation of ballistic graphene Josephson junctions
G Nanda, JL Aguilera-Servin, P Rakyta, A Kormányos, R Kleiner, D Koelle, ...
Nano Letters 17 (6), 3396-3401, 2017
Ballistic transport in graphene grown by chemical vapor deposition
VE Calado*, SE Zhu*, S Goswami, Q Xu, K Watanabe, T Taniguchi, ...
Applied Physics Letters 104 (2), 023103, 2014
Coulomb blockade in a silicon/silicon–germanium two-dimensional electron gas quantum dot
LJ Klein, KA Slinker, JL Truitt, S Goswami, KLM Lewis, SN Coppersmith, ...
Applied Physics Letters 84 (20), 4047-4049, 2004
Current crowding mediated large contact noise in graphene field-effect transistors
P Karnatak*, TP Sai*, S Goswami*, S Ghatak, S Kaushal, A Ghosh
Nature Communications 7, 13703, 2016
Magnetic field compatible circuit quantum electrodynamics with graphene Josephson junctions
JG Kroll, W Uilhoorn, KL van der Enden, D de Jong, K Watanabe, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 4615, 2018
Ballistic superconductivity and tunable -junctions in InSb quantum wells
CT Ke, CM Moehle, FK de Vries, C Thomas, S Metti, CR Guinn, ...
Nature Communications 10, 3764, 2019
Defect Control and n-Doping of Encapsulated Graphene by Helium-Ion-Beam Irradiation
G Nanda, S Goswami, K Watanabe, T Taniguchi, PFA Alkemade
Nano Letters 15 (6), 4006-4012, 2015
Quantum dots in Si/SiGe 2DEGs with Schottky top-gated leads
KA Slinker, KLM Lewis, CC Haselby, S Goswami, LJ Klein, JO Chu, ...
New Journal of Physics 7 (1), 246, 2005
Nanoscale Electrostatic Control of Oxide Interfaces
S Goswami, E Mulazimoglu, LMK Vandersypen, AD Caviglia
Nano Letters 15, 2627, 2015
Side Gate Tunable Josephson Junctions at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 Interface
A Monteiro, DJ Groenendijk, N Manca, E Mulazimoglu, S Goswami, ...
Nano Letters 17 (2), 715-720, 2017
InSbAs two-dimensional electron gases as a platform for topological superconductivity
CM Moehle, CT Ke, Q Wang, C Thomas, D Xiao, S Karwal, M Lodari, ...
Nano Letters 21 (23), 9990-9996, 2021
Optically active heterostructures of graphene and ultrathin MoS2
K Roy, M Padmanabhan, S Goswami, TP Sai, S Kaushal, A Ghosh
Solid state communications 175, 35-42, 2013
Triplet correlations in Cooper pair splitters realized in a two-dimensional electron gas
Q Wang, SLD Ten Haaf, I Kulesh, D Xiao, C Thomas, MJ Manfra, ...
Nature Communications 14 (1), 4876, 2023
Quantum interference in an interfacial superconductor
S Goswami*, E Mulazimoglu*, AM Monteiro, R Wölbing, D Koelle, ...
Nature Nanotechnology 11, 861, 2016
Transport regimes of a split gate superconducting quantum point contact in the two-dimensional LaAlO3/SrTiO3 superfluid
H Thierschmann, E Mulazimoglu, N Manca, S Goswami, TM Klapwijk, ...
Nature communications 9, 2276, 2018
Electronic transport in helium-ion-beam etched encapsulated graphene nanoribbons
G Nanda, G Hlawacek, S Goswami, K Watanabe, T Taniguchi, ...
Carbon 119, 419-425, 2017
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Articles 1–20