Günter W. Maier
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Cited by
The role of personal work goals in newcomers' job satisfaction and organizational commitment: A longitudinal analysis.
GW Maier, JC Brunstein
Journal of Applied Psychology 86 (5), 1034, 2001
Implicit and self-attributed motives to achieve: two separate but interacting needs.
JC Brunstein, GW Maier
Journal of personality and social psychology 89 (2), 205, 2005
Linking goal progress and subjective well-being: A meta-analysis
HJP Klug, GW Maier
Journal of Happiness Studies 16, 37-65, 2015
Emotional labor, strain, and performance: Testing reciprocal relationships in a longitudinal panel study.
UR Hülsheger, JWB Lang, GW Maier
Journal of occupational health psychology 15 (4), 505, 2010
The path is the goal: How transformational leaders enhance followers’ job attitudes and proactive behavior
B Steinmann, HJP Klug, GW Maier
Frontiers in psychology 9, 2338, 2018
The pursuit of personal goals
JC Brunstein, OC Schultheiss, GW Maier
Action & self-development, 169-196, 1999
Psychological perspectives of organizational learning
GW Maier, C Prange, L Von Rosenstiel
Handbook of organizational learning and knowledge, 14-34, 2001
Persönliche Ziele: Ein Überblick zum Stand der Forschung
JC Brunstein, GW Maier
Psychologische Rundschau 47, 146-160, 1996
Validity of General Mental Ability for the Prediction of Job Performance and Training Success in Germany: A meta‐analysis1
UR Hülsheger, GW Maier, T Stumpp
International Journal of Selection and Assessment 15 (1), 3-18, 2007
Core self‐evaluations in Germany: Validation of a German measure and its relationships with career success
T Stumpp, PM Muck, UR Hülsheger, TA Judge, GW Maier
Applied Psychology 59 (4), 674-700, 2010
The importance of procedural justice in human–machine interactions: Intelligent systems as new decision agents in organizations
SK Ötting, GW Maier
Computers in Human Behavior 89, 27-39, 2018
Die affektive Bindung an das Unternehmen. Psychometrische Überprüfung des Organizational Commitment Questionaire (OCQ) von Porter und Smith (1970)[Affective organizational …
GW Maier, RM Woschée
Zeitschrift für Arbeits-und Organisationspsychologie 46, 126-136, 2002
Das Teamklima-Inventar (TKI) für Innovation in Gruppen: Psychometrische Überprüfung an einer deutschen Stichprobe.
FC Brodbeck, GW Maier
Zeitschrift für Arbeits-und Organisationspsychologie 45, 59-73, 2001
Gerechtigkeitseinschätzungen in Organisationen: Die Validität einer deutschsprachigen Fassung des Fragebogens von Colquitt (2001)
GW Maier, B Streicher, E Jonas, R Woschée
Diagnostica 53 (2), 97-108, 2007
How to raise technology acceptance: user experience characteristics as technology-inherent determinants
L Mlekus, D Bentler, A Paruzel, AL Kato-Beiderwieden, GW Maier
Gruppe. Interaktion. Organisation. Zeitschrift für Angewandte …, 2020
A new substitute for leadership? Followers' state core self-evaluations
A Nübold, PM Muck, GW Maier
The Leadership Quarterly 24 (1), 29-44, 2013
Expanding the link between core self-evaluations and affective job attitudes
T Stumpp, UR Hülsheger, PM Muck, GW Maier
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 18 (2), 148-166, 2009
Persönlichkeitseigenschaften, Intelligenz und Erfolg im Beruf: eine Bestandsaufnahme internationaler und nationaler Forschung
UR Hülsheger, GW Maier
Psychologische Rundschau 59 (2), 108-122, 2008
When leaders and followers match: The impact of objective value congruence, value extremity, and empowerment on employee commitment and job satisfaction
OAU Byza, SL Dörr, SC Schuh, GW Maier
Journal of Business ethics 158, 1097-1112, 2019
Innovation und Kreativität
GW Maier, B Streicher, E Jonas, D Frey
Enzyklopädie der Psychologie 6, 810-845, 2007
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Articles 1–20