Hanna L. Muehlenhoff
Hanna L. Muehlenhoff
Senior Lecturer of European Studies, University of Amsterdam
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Geciteerd door
Victims, soldiers, peacemakers and caretakers: the neoliberal constitution of women in the EU’s security policy
HL Muehlenhoff
International Feminist Journal of Politics 19 (2), 153-167, 2017
The European Union as a masculine military power: European Union security and defence policy in ‘times of crisis’
M Hoijtink, HL Muehlenhoff
Political studies review 18 (3), 362-377, 2020
Neoliberal governmentality and the (de) politicisation of LGBT rights: The case of the European Union in Turkey
HL Muehlenhoff
Politics 39 (2), 202-217, 2019
Funding democracy, funding social services? The European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights in the context of competing narratives in Turkey
H Mühlenhoff
Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies 16 (1), 102-118, 2014
Slipping off or turning the tide? Gender equality in European Union’s external relations in times of crisis
HL Muehlenhoff, A van der Vleuten, N Welfens
Political Studies Review 18 (3), 322-328, 2020
EU Democracy Promotion and Governmenatlity: Turkey and Beyond
HL Muehlenhoff
Routledge, 2019
Unpacking the making of National Action Plans: governmentality, security, and race in the Dutch implementation of UNSCR 1325
HL Muehlenhoff
International feminist journal of politics 24 (5), 744-766, 2022
Ambiguities of power: Struggle and resistance in (the relations between) Turkey and the European Union
HL Muehlenhoff
Cooperation and Conflict 51 (3), 291-306, 2016
Whose (in) security? Gender, race and coloniality in European security policies: Introduction to the Special Issue
M Hoijtink, HL Mühlenhoff, N Welfens
European Security 32 (3), 335-346, 2023
Depoliticizing the politicized?
HL Muehlenhoff
Tübingen, 2015
The European Peace Facility and the legitimation of European arms exports
M Hoijtink, HL Muehlenhoff
E-international relations, 2021
The European Union’s new muscular militarism in a ‘dangerous world’
M Hoijtink, H Muehlenhoff
Europeanisations, Pluralisation: Another Reconsideration of EU-Turkey Relations
T Diez, HL Muehlenhoff
Turkey’s Quest for the EU Membership Towards 2023, 27-46, 2014
Trotz militärischer Unterstützung für die Ukraine: eine feministische Kritik der Militarisierung der EU
HL Mühlenhoff, M Hoijtink
Feministische Studien 40 (2), 326-331, 2022
Waarom Europa haar militaire project moet heroverwegen
M Hoijtink, H Mühlenhoff
Idee: tijdschrift voor het sociaal-liberalisme], 2022
Feminist and queer perspectives on EU–Middle East relations
HL Muehlenhoff
Routledge Handbook of EU–Middle East Relations, 124-134, 2021
Security and defence policy
HL Muehlenhoff
The Routledge Handbook of Gender and EU Politics, 327-338, 2021
Teaching international relations
HL Mühlenhoff
Teaching European Union Politics, 63-75, 2024
Blurring Boundaries as an Invitation to Self-Reflection: A Roundtable Discussion
D Beck, AJ Habed, A Henninger, H Mühlenhoff, K Slootmaeckers
Verlag Barbara Budrich, 2023
Conclusion: Blurring Boundaries as an Invitation to Self-Reflection. A Roundtable Discussion
D Beck, AJ Habed, A Henninger, H Mühlenhoff, K Slootmaeckers
OpladenVerlag Barbara Budrich, 2023
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