Andrew J. Christlieb
Andrew J. Christlieb
Professor of Computational Mathematics, Science and Engineering at Michigan State University
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Cited by
A conservative high order semi-Lagrangian WENO method for the Vlasov equation
JM Qiu, A Christlieb
Journal of Computational Physics 229 (4), 1130-1149, 2010
Parallel high-order integrators
AJ Christlieb, CB Macdonald, BW Ong
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 32 (2), 818-835, 2010
High accuracy solutions to energy gradient flows from material science models
A Christlieb, J Jones, K Promislow, B Wetton, M Willoughby
Journal of computational physics 257, 193-215, 2014
Integral deferred correction methods constructed with high order Runge–Kutta integrators
A Christlieb, B Ong, JM Qiu
Mathematics of Computation 79 (270), 761-783, 2010
Adaptive mesh refinement based on high order finite difference WENO scheme for multi-scale simulations
C Shen, JM Qiu, A Christlieb
Journal of Computational Physics 230 (10), 3780-3802, 2011
High-order multiderivative time integrators for hyperbolic conservation laws
DC Seal, Y Güçlü, AJ Christlieb
Journal of Scientific Computing 60, 101-140, 2014
Grid-free plasma simulation techniques
AJ Christlieb, R Krasny, JP Verboncoeur, JW Emhoff, ID Boyd
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 34 (2), 149-165, 2006
Energy transfer in compressible magnetohydrodynamic turbulence
P Grete, BW O'Shea, K Beckwith, W Schmidt, A Christlieb
Physics of Plasmas 24 (9), 2017
Adaptive sub-linear time Fourier algorithms
D Lawlor, Y Wang, A Christlieb
Advances in Adaptive Data Analysis 5 (01), 1350003, 2013
Finite difference weighted essentially non-oscillatory schemes with constrained transport for ideal magnetohydrodynamics
AJ Christlieb, JA Rossmanith, Q Tang
Journal of Computational Physics 268, 302-325, 2014
Positivity-preserving finite difference weighted ENO schemes with constrained transport for ideal magnetohydrodynamic equations
AJ Christlieb, Y Liu, Q Tang, Z Xu
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 37 (4), A1825-A1845, 2015
Energy-conserving discontinuous Galerkin methods for the Vlasov–Ampère system
Y Cheng, AJ Christlieb, X Zhong
Journal of Computational Physics 256, 630-655, 2014
Explicit strong stability preserving multistage two-derivative time-stepping schemes
AJ Christlieb, S Gottlieb, Z Grant, DC Seal
Journal of Scientific Computing 68, 914-942, 2016
High order parametrized maximum-principle-preserving and positivity-preserving WENO schemes on unstructured meshes
AJ Christlieb, Y Liu, Q Tang, Z Xu
Journal of Computational Physics 281, 334-351, 2015
Comments on high-order integrators embedded within integral deferred correction methods
A Christlieb, B Ong, JM Qiu
Communications in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science 4 (1), 27-56, 2009
High order maximum principle preserving semi-Lagrangian finite difference WENO schemes for the Vlasov equation
T Xiong, JM Qiu, Z Xu, A Christlieb
Journal of Computational Physics 273, 618-639, 2014
Variational models of network formation and ion transport: applications to perfluorosulfonate ionomer membranes
N Gavish, J Jones, Z Xu, A Christlieb, K Promislow
Polymers 4 (1), 630-655, 2012
Energy-conserving discontinuous Galerkin methods for the Vlasov–Maxwell system
Y Cheng, AJ Christlieb, X Zhong
Journal of Computational Physics 279, 145-173, 2014
A high order time splitting method based on integral deferred correction for semi-Lagrangian Vlasov simulations
A Christlieb, W Guo, M Morton, JM Qiu
Journal of Computational Physics 267, 7-27, 2014
A parallel space-time algorithm
AJ Christlieb, RD Haynes, BW Ong
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 34 (5), C233-C248, 2012
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Articles 1–20