Henk Kelderman
Henk Kelderman
Leiden University
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Loglinear Rasch model tests
H Kelderman
Psychometrika 49 (2), 223-245, 1984
Detecting treatment-subgroup interactions in clustered data with generalized linear mixed-effects model trees
M Fokkema, N Smits, A Zeileis, T Hothorn, H Kelderman
Behavior research methods 50, 2016-2034, 2018
Loglinear multidimensional IRT models for polytomously scored items
H Kelderman, CPM Rijkes
Psychometrika 59, 149-176, 1994
On the relationship between sources of within-and between-group differences and measurement invariance in the common factor model
GH Lubke, CV Dolan, H Kelderman, GJ Mellenbergh
Intelligence 31 (6), 543-566, 2003
The use of loglinear models for assessing differential item functioning across manifest and latent examinee groups
H Kelderman, GB Macready
Journal of Educational Measurement 27 (4), 307-327, 1990
Response shifts in mental health interventions: an illustration of longitudinal measurement invariance.
M Fokkema, N Smits, H Kelderman, P Cuijpers
Psychological assessment 25 (2), 520, 2013
Fitting a mixture item response theory model to personality questionnaire data: Characterizing latent classes and investigating possibilities for improving prediction
AM Maij-de Meij, H Kelderman, H van der Flier
Applied Psychological Measurement 32 (8), 611-631, 2008
Item bias detection using loglinear IRT
H Kelderman
Psychometrika 54, 681-697, 1989
Multidimensional Rasch models for partial-credit scoring
H Kelderman
Applied Psychological Measurement 20 (2), 155-168, 1996
Improvement in detection of differential item functioning using a mixture item response theory model
AM Maij-de Meij, H Kelderman, H van der Flier
Multivariate Behavioral Research 45 (6), 975-999, 2010
Weak measurement invariance with respect to unmeasured variables: An implication of strict factorial invariance
GH Lubke, CV Dolan, H Kelderman, GJ Mellenbergh
British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology 56 (2), 231-248, 2003
Construct validation of the Amblyopia and Strabismus Questionnaire (A&SQ) by factor analysis
ES van de Graaf, J Felius, H van Kempen-du Saar, CWN Looman, ...
Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 247, 1263-1268, 2009
Psychometric properties of the Leiden Index of Depression Sensitivity (LEIDS).
E Solis, N Antypa, JM Conijn, H Kelderman, W Van der Does
Psychological assessment 29 (2), 158, 2017
The effect of individual differences in factor loadings on the standard factor model
H Kelderman, PCM Molenaar
Multivariate Behavioral Research 42 (3), 435-456, 2007
Investigating group differences on cognitive tests using Spearman's hypothesis: An evaluation of Jensen's method
GH Lubke, CV Dolan, H Kelderman
Multivariate Behavioral Research, 36 (3), 299-324, 2001
The Mixed Birnbaum Model: Estimation Using Collateral Information.
JA Smit, H Kelderman, H van der Flier
Methods of Psychological Research Online 5, 1-13, 2000
Examining differential item functioning due to item difficulty and alternative attractiveness
P Westers, H Kelderman
Psychometrika 57, 107-118, 1992
Collateral information and mixed rasch models.
JA Smit, H Kelderman, H van der Flier
Methods of Psychological Research Online 4 (3), 1-13, 1999
On growth curves and mixture models
JB Hoeksma, H Kelderman
Infant and Child Development: An International Journal of Research and …, 2006
Linear models for the analysis and construction of instruments in a facet design.
GJ Mellenbergh, H Kelderman, JG Stijlen, E Zondag
Psychological Bulletin 86 (4), 766, 1979
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