Mariesa Crow
Mariesa Crow
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The future renewable electric energy delivery and management (FREEDM) system: the energy internet
AQ Huang, ML Crow, GT Heydt, JP Zheng, SJ Dale
Proceedings of the IEEE 99 (1), 133-148, 2010
Energy storage systems for advanced power applications
PF Ribeiro, BK Johnson, ML Crow, A Arsoy, Y Liu
Proceedings of the IEEE 89 (12), 1744-1756, 2001
Battery energy storage system (BESS) and battery management system (BMS) for grid-scale applications
MT Lawder, B Suthar, PWC Northrop, S De, CM Hoff, O Leitermann, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE 102 (6), 1014-1030, 2014
STATCOM control for power system voltage control applications
P Rao, ML Crow, Z Yang
IEEE Transactions on power delivery 15 (4), 1311-1317, 2000
A comparison of diode-clamped and cascaded multilevel converters for a STATCOM with energy storage
Y Cheng, C Qian, ML Crow, S Pekarek, S Atcitty
IEEE transactions on industrial electronics 53 (5), 1512-1521, 2006
Integration of a StatCom and battery energy storage
Z Yang, C Shen, L Zhang, ML Crow, S Atcitty
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 16 (2), 254-260, 2001
Computational methods for electric power systems
ML Crow
Crc Press, 2002
Improving voltage stability by reactive power reserve management
F Dong, BH Chowdhury, ML Crow, L Acar
IEEE transactions on Power Systems 20 (1), 338-345, 2005
Stochastic optimization of renewable-based microgrid operation incorporating battery operating cost
TA Nguyen, ML Crow
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 31 (3), 2289-2296, 2015
Comparison of ultracapacitor electric circuit models
L Shi, ML Crow
2008 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting-Conversion and Delivery …, 2008
Optimal sizing of a vanadium redox battery system for microgrid systems
TA Nguyen, ML Crow, AC Elmore
IEEE transactions on sustainable energy 6 (3), 729-737, 2015
The matrix pencil for power system modal extraction
ML Crow, A Singh
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 20 (1), 501-502, 2005
An improved UPFC control for oscillation damping
J Guo, ML Crow, J Sarangapani
IEEE transactions on power systems 24 (1), 288-296, 2009
A reconfigurable FACTS system for university laboratories
L Dong, ML Crow, Z Yang, C Shen, L Zhang, S Atcitty
IEEE transactions on power systems 19 (1), 120-128, 2004
The parallel implementation of the waveform relaxation method for transient stability simulations
ML Crow, M Ilic
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 5 (3), 922-932, 1990
Fault detection and mitigation in multilevel converter STATCOMs
A Yazdani, H Sepahvand, ML Crow, M Ferdowsi
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 58 (4), 1307-1315, 2010
A fuzzy logic based approach to direct load control
K Bhattacharyya, ML Crow
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 11 (2), 708-714, 1996
Structure-preserved power system transient stability using stochastic energy functions
T Odun-Ayo, ML Crow
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 27 (3), 1450-1458, 2012
Pricing and control in the next generation power distribution system
GT Heydt, BH Chowdhury, ML Crow, D Haughton, BD Kiefer, F Meng, ...
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 3 (2), 907-914, 2012
An integrated dynamic voltage restorer-ultracapacitor design for improving power quality of the distribution grid
D Somayajula, ML Crow
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 6 (2), 616-624, 2015
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Articles 1–20