Ricardo Gutiérrez
Ricardo Gutiérrez
Grupo Interdisciplinar de Sistemas Complejos (GISC) - Matemáticas - Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
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HERMES: towards an integrated toolbox to characterize functional and effective brain connectivity
G Niso, R Bruña, E Pereda, R Gutiérrez, R Bajo, F Maestú, F Del-Pozo
Neuroinformatics 11, 405-434, 2013
Synchronization of interconnected networks: the role of connector nodes
J Aguirre, R Sevilla-Escoboza, R Gutierrez, D Papo, JM Buldú
Physical review letters 112 (24), 248701, 2014
Functional connectivity in mild cognitive impairment during a memory task: implications for the disconnection hypothesis
R Bajo, F Maestú, A Nevado, M Sancho, R Gutiérrez, P Campo, ...
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 22 (1), 183-193, 2010
Inter-layer synchronization in non-identical multi-layer networks
I Leyva, R Sevilla-Escoboza, I Sendiña-Nadal, R Gutiérrez, JM Buldú, ...
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 45475, 2017
Emergence of structural patterns out of synchronization in networks with competitive interactions
S Assenza, R Gutiérrez, J Gómez-Gardenes, V Latora, S Boccaletti
Scientific reports 1 (1), 99, 2011
Inter-layer synchronization in multiplex networks of identical layers
R Sevilla-Escoboza, I Sendiña-Nadal, I Leyva, R Gutiérrez, JM Buldú, ...
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 26 (6), 2016
Emerging meso-and macroscales from synchronization of adaptive networks
R Gutiérrez, A Amann, S Assenza, J Gómez-Gardenes, V Latora, ...
Physical review letters 107 (23), 234103, 2011
Experimental signatures of an absorbing-state phase transition in an open driven many-body quantum system
R Gutiérrez, C Simonelli, M Archimi, F Castellucci, E Arimondo, ...
Physical Review A 96 (4), 041602, 2017
The static lengthscale characterizing the glass transition at lower temperatures
R Gutiérrez, S Karmakar, YG Pollack, I Procaccia
Europhysics Letters 111 (5), 56009, 2015
Targeting the dynamics of complex networks
R Gutiérrez, I Sendina-Nadal, M Zanin, D Papo, S Boccaletti
Scientific reports 2 (1), 396, 2012
Explosive synchronization in populations of cooperative and competitive oscillators
X Dai, X Li, R Gutierrez, H Guo, D Jia, M Perc, P Manshour, Z Wang, ...
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 132, 109589, 2020
Generalized synchronization in relay systems with instantaneous coupling
R Gutierrez, R Sevilla-Escoboza, P Piedrahita, C Finke, U Feudel, ...
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 88 (5 …, 2013
Age-related effects in working memory recognition modulated by retroactive interference
E Solesio-Jofre, L Lorenzo-López, R Gutiérrez, JM López-Frutos, ...
Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biomedical Sciences and Medical Sciences …, 2012
Synchronization of intermittent behavior in ensembles of multistable dynamical systems
R Sevilla-Escoboza, JM Buldú, AN Pisarchik, S Boccaletti, R Gutierrez
Physical Review E 91 (3), 032902, 2015
Epidemic dynamics in open quantum spin systems
C Pérez-Espigares, M Marcuzzi, R Gutiérrez, I Lesanovsky
Physical review letters 119 (14), 140401, 2017
Enhancing the stability of the synchronization of multivariable coupled oscillators
R Sevilla-Escoboza, R Gutierrez, G Huerta-Cuellar, S Boccaletti, ...
Physical Review E 92 (3), 032804, 2015
Glassy dynamics due to a trajectory phase transition in dissipative Rydberg gases
C Pérez-Espigares, I Lesanovsky, JP Garrahan, R Gutiérrez
Physical Review A 98 (2), 021804, 2018
Front propagation versus bulk relaxation in the annealing dynamics of a kinetically constrained model of ultrastable glasses
R Gutiérrez, JP Garrahan
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2016 (7), 074005, 2016
Age effects on retroactive interference during working memory maintenance
E Solesio-Jofre, L Lorenzo-López, R Gutiérrez, JM López-Frutos, ...
Biological psychology 88 (1), 72-82, 2011
Self-similar nonequilibrium dynamics of a many-body system with power-law interactions
R Gutiérrez, JP Garrahan, I Lesanovsky
Physical Review E 92 (6), 062144, 2015
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Articles 1–20