James Folkestad
James Folkestad
Professor, School of Education, Colorado State University
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Engineering drawing and design
DA Madsen, DP Madsen
Delmar, Cengage Learning, 2012
STEM education related dissertation abstracts: A bounded qualitative meta-study
J Banning, JE Folkestad
Journal of Science Education and Technology 21, 730-741, 2012
Measuring game engagement: multiple methods and construct complexity
RM Martey, K Kenski, J Folkestad, L Feldman, E Gordis, A Shaw, ...
Simulation & Gaming 45 (4-5), 528-547, 2014
We don’t need no stinkin’badges: The impact of reward features and feeling rewarded in educational games
B McKernan, RM Martey, J Stromer-Galley, K Kenski, BA Clegg, ...
Computers in Human Behavior 45, 299-306, 2015
Teamwork for innovation: A content analysis of the highly read and highly cited literature on innovation
J Folkestad, R Gonzalez
Advances in Developing Human Resources 12 (1), 115-136, 2010
Linking cognitive science theory and technology education practice: A powerful connection not fully realized
MA DeMiranda, JE Folkestad
Digital Library and Archives of the Virginia Tech University Libraries, 2000
Resolving the conflict between design and manufacturing: integrated rapid prototyping and rapid tooling (IRPRT)
JE Folkestad, RL Johnson
Journal of Industrial Technology 17 (4), 1-7, 2001
Serious efforts at bias reduction
A Shaw, K Kenski, J Stromer-Galley, RM Martey, BA Clegg, JE Lewis, ...
Journal of Media Psychology, 2016
Impact of screen-capture based instruction on student comprehension of computer aided design (CAD) software principles
JE Folkestad, MA De Miranda
Journal of Industrial Technology 18 (1), 1-7, 2002
Learning Analytics to Inform the Learning Design: Supporting Instructors' Inquiry into Student Learning in Unsupervised Technology-Enhanced Platforms.
P Harindranathan, J Folkestad
Online Learning 23 (3), 34-55, 2019
Examining collaborative learning modalities (CLM): critical multicultural education online?
EJ Brantmeier, A Aragon, J Folkestad
Multicultural Education & Technology Journal 5 (1), 5-18, 2011
Integrated rapid prototyping and rapid tooling (IRPRT)
JE Folkestad, RL Johnson
Integrated Manufacturing Systems 13 (2), 97-103, 2002
Effective mitigation of anchoring bias, projection bias, and representativeness bias from serious game-based training
BA Clegg, B McKernan, RM Martey, SM Taylor, J Stromer-Galley, ...
Procedia Manufacturing 3, 1558-1565, 2015
Game-based training to mitigate three forms of cognitive bias
BA Clegg, RM Martey, J Stromer-Galley, K Kenski, T Saulnier, ...
Proceedings of Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education …, 2014
An analysis of engagement in a combination indoor/outdoor augmented reality educational game.
J Folkestad, P O'shea
Journal on School Educational Technology 7 (1), 30-37, 2011
Barriers to certification for LEED registered projects
BT Johnson
Colorado State University, 2005
Visual-form learning analytics: A tool for critical reflection and feedback
K McKenna, B Pouska, MC Moraes, JE Folkestad
Contemporary Educational Technology 10 (3), 214-228, 2019
Review of lean construction conference proceedings and relationship to the Toyota Production System framework
GF Jacobs
Colorado State University, 2010
The Implications of Service-Learning for Technology Studies.
JE Folkestad, BA Senior, MA DeMirana
Journal of technology studies 28 (1), 52-58, 2002
Testing the power of game lessons: The effects of art style and narrative complexity on reducing cognitive bias
RM Martey, A Shaw, J Stromer-Galley, K Kenski, B Clegg, J Folkestad, ...
Faculty/Researcher Works, 2017
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Articles 1–20