Maaike van der Vleuten
Maaike van der Vleuten
Researcher at NIDI & associate professor in sociology at SOFI
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Geciteerd door
Boys' and girls' educational choices in secondary education. The role of gender ideology.
M van der Vleuten, E Jaspers, I Maas, T van der Lippe
Educational Studies 42 (2), 181-200, 2016
The contribution of intimate live music performances to the quality of life for persons with dementia
M van der Vleuten, A Visser, L Meeuwesen
Patient education and counseling 89 (3), 484-488, 2012
Gender norms and STEM: the importance of friends for stopping leakage from the STEM pipeline
M van der Vleuten, S Steinmetz, H van de Werfhorst
Educational Research and Evaluation, 1-20, 2019
Same-sex couples’ division of labor from a cross-national perspective
M Van der Vleuten, E Jaspers, T van der Lippe
Journal of GLBT Family Studies 17 (2), 150-167, 2021
Intergenerational transmission of gender segregation: How parents’ occupational field affects gender differences in field of study choices
M Van der Vleuten, E Jaspers, I Maas, T van der Lippe
British Educational Research Journal 44 (2), 294-318, 2018
Sibling influence in field of study choices
M van der Vleuten, J Weesie, I Maas
Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 68, 100525, 2020
Why do gendered divisions of labour persist? Parental leave take-up among adoptive and biological parents
Y Moberg, M van der Vleuten
European Sociological Review 39 (2), 210-228, 2023
Gendered choices: Fields of study of adolescents in the Netherlands
M Vleuten
[Sl]:[Sn], 2018
Joint utility or sub-optimal outcomes? Household income development of same-sex and different-sex couples transitioning to parenthood in Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden
M Van der Vleuten, M Evertsson, Y Moberg
Journal of Family Issues 45 (8), 2049-2076, 2024
A time of great change: how parents, friends, and classmates shape adolescents’ attitudes towards the gender division of labor
L Sánchez Guerrero, PS Schober, M van der Vleuten
Journal of Youth and Adolescence 52 (9), 1811-1828, 2023
The child penalty in same-sex and different-sex couples in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden
M Evertsson, Y Moberg, M Van der Vleuten
European Association of Labor Economists (EALE) Conference, September, Padova, 2022
Social Stratification by Gender and Parenthood: The Importance of Family Formation, Gender Roles, and Ideals
M Evertsson, C Magnusson, M van der Vleuten
Gender Differences in Fields of Study: The Role of Comparative Advantage for Trajectory Choices in Upper Secondary Education
M Van der Vleuten
Journal of Education 203 (2), 331-342, 2023
Het effect van de muziek optredens van stichting Diva Dichtbij op de dimensies participatie en mentaal welbevinden van kwaliteit van levenvan dementerenden [The effect ofmusic …
M Van der Vleuten
Faculty of Social Sciences, Utrecht, 2010
Mothers' birth giving status and the division of parental leave: A comparison of adoptive and biological parents
Y Moberg, M Van der Vleun
Working Paper, 2022
Social and cultural developments in the Netherlands 2019: Documentation of a national survey on social cohesion and modernization
MJ Savelkoul, P van Groenestijn, PLH Scheepers, M Lubbers, M Vleuten, ...
The Hague: DANS, 2019
Jonge mannen hebben minder egalitaire publieke genderopvattingen dan jonge vrouwen
D van Wijk, AC Liefbroer, M van der Vleuten
Stuk Rood Vlees, 2025
Zweeds ouderschapsverlof blijft ongelijk verdeeld
M Van der Vleuten, Y Moberg
Demos 40 (2), 1-4, 2024
Care Leaves and Unemployment Risks in Finland and Sweden: Comparing Periods of Economic Upturn and Downturn
M Evertsson, K Morosow, M van der Vleuten
PAA 2022 Annual Meeting, 2022
De invloed van broers en zussen op studiekeuzes
M van der Vleuten, I Maas
Mens en Maatschappij 95 (4), 396-399, 2020
Het systeem kan de bewerking nu niet uitvoeren. Probeer het later opnieuw.
Artikelen 1–20