Francesco Cerchiaro
Francesco Cerchiaro
Assistant professor, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
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Geciteerd door
Christian-Muslim couples in the Veneto region, northeastern Italy: Dealing with religious pluralism in everyday family life
F Cerchiaro, S Aupers, D Houtman
Social Compass 62 (1), 43-60, 2015
‘In the name of the children’: mixed couples’ parenting analysed through their naming practices
F Cerchiaro
Identities 26 (1), 51-68, 2019
Dissonant masculinities? Migration, emotions and masculinities in marriages between Italian women and Moroccan men living in Italy
F Cerchiaro
Journal of gender studies 30 (3), 256-269, 2021
Amori e confini. Le coppie miste tra islam, educazione dei figli e vita quotidiana
F Cerchiaro
Editore: Guida, 2016
Identity loss or identity re-shape? Religious identification among the offspring of ‘Christian–Muslim’ couples
F Cerchiaro
Journal of Contemporary Religion 35 (3), 503-521, 2020
‘When I told my parents I was going to marry a Muslim...’: Social perception and attitudes towards intermarriage in Italy, France and Belgium
F Cerchiaro
Social Compass, 2022
Fighting for what? Couples’ communication, parenting and social activism: The case study of a “christian-muslim” families’ association in brussels (Belgium)
F Cerchiaro
Religions 10 (4), 270, 2019
‘Why do we have to circumcise our son?’Meanings behind male circumcision in the life stories of mixed couples with a Muslim partner
F Cerchiaro, L Odasso
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 1-19, 2021
Displaying difference, displaying sameness: Mixed couples’ reflexivity and the narrative-making of the family
F Cerchiaro
Sociology 57 (5), 1191-1208, 2023
Advancing research in couple studies. Why, when and how to combine individual and couple interview
F Cerchiaro
Quality & Quantity, 1-18, 2022
Coppia mista? In che senso?
F Cerchiaro
Quaderni Di Sociologia 72, 165-184, 2016
Above and beyond social boundaries: Everyday life of Mixed Muslim–non-Muslim families in contemporary societies Au-delà des frontières sociales: le vécu des familles mixtes …
C Therrien, JLE Gall, F Cerchiaro
Social Compass 69 (3), 263-294, 2022
Amori e confini
F Cerchiaro
Le coppie miste tra islam, educazione dei figli e vita quotidiana [Love and …, 2016
Single, dual, beyond. Ethnic, racial and religious self-identification among mixed individuals raised in Christian-Muslim families in Italy
F Cerchiaro
Mixed Families in a Transnational World, 109-129, 2021
«Coppia mista? In che senso?». Un’analisi della riflessività dei partner di coppie miste rispetto al discorso sulla differenza
F Cerchiaro
Quaderni di sociologia, 165-184, 2016
Between Recognition And Betrayal The migrant man in the mixed couple: the management of masculinity (ies)
F Cerchiaro
Masculinities: A Journal of Identity and Culture, 53-78, 2016
The everyday dimensions of stigma. Morofobia in everyday life of daughters of Maghrebi-Spanish couples in Granada and Barcelona (Spain)
C Rodríguez-Reche, F Cerchiaro
Ethnicities 23 (6), 886-904, 2023
Stage fright and romanticism in Il Giro del Mondo
F Cerchiaro, D Houtman
Annals of Tourism Research 89, 103201, 2021
From son to father: memory, fatherhood and migration in the life stories of Muslim men married outside their religious group in Belgium and Italy
F Cerchiaro
International Journal for Masculinity Studies (NORMA) 18 (4), 309-325, 2023
Sfidare i confini. Perché e come studiare la coppia mista
F Cerchiaro
I musulmani nelle società europee. Appartenenze, interazioni, conflitti, 101-114, 2017
Het systeem kan de bewerking nu niet uitvoeren. Probeer het later opnieuw.
Artikelen 1–20