Philip G. Pardey
Cited by
Cited by
Science under scarcity: Principles and practice for agricultural research evaluation and priority setting
JM Alston, GW Norton, PG Pardey
International Service for National Agricultural Research, 1995
A meta-analysis of rates of return to agricultural R&D: Ex pede Herculem?
JM Alston, C Chan-Kang, MC Marra, PG Pardey, TJ Wyatt
Intl Food Policy Res Inst, 2000
Agricultural research, productivity, and food prices in the long run
JM Alston, JM Beddow, PG Pardey
Science 325 (5945), 1209-1210, 2009
Persistence Pays: US Agricultural Productivity Growth and the Benefits from Public R & D Spending
JM Alston, MA Andersen, JS James, PG Pardey
Springer, 2010
Agriculture in the global economy
JM Alston, PG Pardey
Journal of Economic Perspectives 28 (1), 121-146, 2014
Research, productivity, and output growth in Chinese agriculture
S Fan, PG Pardey
Journal of Development Economics 53 (1), 115-137, 1997
Slow magic: Agricultural R&D a century after Mendel
PG Pardey, NM Beintema
Intl Food Policy Res Inst, 2001
Research returns redux: a meta‐analysis of the returns to agricultural R&D
JM Alston, MC Marra, PG Pardey, TJ Wyatt
Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 44 (2), 185-215, 2000
Research investment implications of shifts in the global geography of wheat stripe rust
JM Beddow, PG Pardey, Y Chai, TM Hurley, DJ Kriticos, HJ Braun, ...
Nature Plants 1 (10), 15132, 2015
Agricultural Research: A growing global divide?
PG Pardey, NM Beintema, S Dehmer, S Wood
Intl Food Policy Res Inst, 2006
Making science pay: The economics of agricultural R&D policy
JM Alston, PG Pardey
American Enterprise Institute, 1996
Financing agricultural research: international investment patterns and policy perspectives
JM Alston, PG Pardey, J Roseboom
World Development 26 (6), 1057-1071, 1998
International productivity patterns: Accounting for input quality, infrastructure, and research
BJ Craig, PG Pardey, J Roseboom
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 79 (4), 1064-1076, 1997
Agricultural R and D in the Developing World
PG Pardey, JM Alston, R Piggott
Intl Food Policy Res Inst, 2006
The economic returns to US public agricultural research
JM Alston, MA Andersen, JS James, PG Pardey
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 93 (5), 1257-1277, 2011
Agricultural R&D is on the move
PG Pardey, C Chan-Kang, SP Dehmer, JM Beddow
Nature 537 (7620), 301-303, 2016
Ending hunger in our lifetime: Food security and globalization
CF Runge, B Senauer, PG Pardey, MW Rosegrant
Intl Food Policy Res Inst, 2003
A global surveillance system for crop diseases
M Carvajal-Yepes, K Cardwell, A Nelson, KA Garrett, B Giovani, ...
Science 364 (6447), 1237-1239, 2019
Agricultural research policy: International quantitative perspectives
PG Pardey, J Roseboom, JR Anderson
Causal relationships between public sector agricultural research expenditures and output
PG Pardey, B Craig
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 71 (1), 9-19, 1989
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Articles 1–20