Maria Rusca
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Cited by
Sociohydrology: scientific challenges in addressing the sustainable development goals
G Di Baldassarre, M Sivapalan, M Rusca, C Cudennec, M Garcia, ...
Water Resources Research 55 (8), 6327-6355, 2019
Participation in flood risk management and the potential of citizen observatories: A governance analysis
U Wehn, M Rusca, J Evers, V Lanfranchi
Environmental Science & Policy 48, 225-236, 2015
Informal space in the urban waterscape: Disaggregation and co-production of water services
R Ahlers, F Cleaver, M Rusca, K Schwartz
Water Alternatives 7 (1), 1-14, 2014
African urbanisation and urbanism: Implications for risk accumulation and reduction
D Dodman, H Leck, M Rusca, S Colenbrander
International journal of disaster risk reduction 26, 7-15, 2017
The sustainable development goal on water and sanitation: learning from the millennium development goals
J Weststrate, G Dijkstra, J Eshuis, A Gianoli, M Rusca
Social Indicators Research 143, 795-810, 2019
An interdisciplinary political ecology of drinking water quality. Exploring socio-ecological inequalities in Lilongwe’s water supply network
M Rusca, AS Boakye-Ansah, A Loftus, G Ferrero, P Van der Zaag
Geoforum 84, 138-146, 2017
Mapping operation and maintenance: An everyday urbanism analysis of inequalities within piped water supply in Lilongwe, Malawi
C Alda-Vidal, M Kooy, M Rusca
Urban Geography 39 (1), 104-121, 2018
Urban water crises driven by elites’ unsustainable consumption
E Savelli, M Mazzoleni, G Di Baldassarre, H Cloke, M Rusca
Nature Sustainability 6 (8), 929-940, 2023
Unleashing entrepreneurs or controlling unruly providers? The formalisation of small-scale water providers in Greater Maputo, Mozambique
R Ahlers, V Perez Güida, M Rusca, K Schwartz
The Journal of Development Studies 49 (4), 470-482, 2013
Don’t blame the rain: Social power and the 2015–2017 drought in Cape Town
E Savelli, M Rusca, H Cloke, G Di Baldassarre
Journal of Hydrology 594, 125953, 2021
Adapting generic models through bricolage: Elite capture of water users associations in peri-urban Lilongwe
M Rusca, K Schwartz, L Hadzovic, R Ahlers
The European Journal of Development Research 27, 777-792, 2015
The paradox of cost recovery in heterogeneous municipal water supply systems: ensuring inclusiveness or exacerbating inequalities?
M Rusca, K Schwartz
Habitat International 73, 101-108, 2018
Inequalities in microbial contamination of drinking water supplies in urban areas: The case of Lilongwe, Malawi
AS Boakye-Ansah, G Ferrero, M Rusca, P Van Der Zaag
Journal of Water and Health 14 (5), 851-863, 2016
Experiential learning through role-playing: Enhancing stakeholder collaboration in water safety plans
G Ferrero, F Bichai, M Rusca
Water 10 (2), 227, 2018
Water management simulation games and the construction of knowledge
M Rusca, J Heun, K Schwartz
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 16 (8), 2749-2757, 2012
Drought and society: Scientific progress, blind spots, and future prospects
E Savelli, M Rusca, H Cloke, G Di Baldassarre
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 13 (3), e761, 2022
Interdisciplinary critical geographies of water: Capturing the mutual shaping of society and hydrological flows
M Rusca, G Di Baldassarre
Water 11 (10), 1973, 2019
The power of pipes: Mapping urban water inequities through the material properties of networked water infrastructures-The case of Lilongwe, Malawi
S Tiwale, M Rusca, M Zwarteveen
Water Alternatives 11 (2), 314-335, 2018
(In) formality: the meshwork of water service provisioning
K Schwartz, M Tutusaus Luque, M Rusca, R Ahlers
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water 2 (1), 31-36, 2015
Floodplains in the Anthropocene: A global analysis of the interplay between human population, built environment, and flood severity
M Mazzoleni, J Mård, M Rusca, V Odongo, S Lindersson, ...
Water Resources Research 57 (2), e2020WR027744, 2021
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Articles 1–20