Olivier Schaetzle
Olivier Schaetzle
Postdoctoral Researcher at Wetsus centre of excellence for sustainable Water technology
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Cited by
Bacteria and yeasts as catalysts in microbial fuel cells: electron transfer from micro-organisms to electrodes for green electricity
O Schaetzle, F Barrière, K Baronian
Energy & Environmental Science 1 (6), 607-620, 2008
An improved microbial fuel cell with laccase as the oxygen reduction catalyst
O Schaetzle, F Barrière, U Schröder
Energy & Environmental Science 2 (1), 96-99, 2009
Identifying charge and mass transfer resistances of an oxygen reducing biocathode
A Ter Heijne, O Schaetzle, S Gimenez, F Fabregat-Santiago, J Bisquert, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 4 (12), 5035-5043, 2011
Effect of additional charging and current density on the performance of Capacitive energy extraction based on Donnan Potential
F Liu, O Schaetzle, BB Sales, M Saakes, CJN Buisman, HVM Hamelers
Energy & environmental science 5 (9), 8642-8650, 2012
Solvent-Free CO2 Capture Using Membrane Capacitive Deionization
L Legrand, O Schaetzle, RCF De Kler, HVM Hamelers
Environmental science & technology 52 (16), 9478-9485, 2018
Harvesting Energy from CO2 Emissions
HVM Hamelers, O Schaetzle, JM Paz-García, PM Biesheuvel, ...
Environmental Science & Technology Letters 1 (1), 31-35, 2014
Analysis of bio-anode performance through electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
A ter Heijne, O Schaetzle, S Gimenez, L Navarro, B Hamelers, ...
Bioelectrochemistry 106, 64-72, 2015
Salinity gradient energy: current state and new trends
O Schaetzle, CJN Buisman
Engineering 1 (2), 164-166, 2015
Electrochemical characterization of a supercapacitor flow cell for power production from salinity gradients
BB Sales, F Liu, O Schaetzle, CJN Buisman, HVM Hamelers
Electrochimica acta 86, 298-304, 2012
Faster time response by the use of wire electrodes in capacitive salinity gradient energy systems
OS Burheim, F Liu, BB Sales, O Schaetzle, CJN Buisman, HVM Hamelers
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116 (36), 19203-19210, 2012
Impact of wire geometry in energy extraction from salinity differences using capacitive technology
BB Sales, OS Burheim, F Liu, O Schaetzle, CJN Buisman, HVM Hamelers
Environmental science & technology 46 (21), 12203-12208, 2012
Clinoptilolite-based mixed matrix membranes for the selective recovery of potassium and ammonium
A Casadellà, P Kuntke, O Schaetzle, K Loos
Water Research 90, 62-70, 2016
Polymer inclusion membranes (PIM) for the recovery of potassium in the presence of competitive cations
A Casadellà, O Schaetzle, K Nijmeijer, K Loos
Polymers 8 (3), 76, 2016
Energy from CO2 using capacitive electrodes–Theoretical outline and calculation of open circuit voltage
JM Paz-Garcia, O Schaetzle, PM Biesheuvel, HVM Hamelers
Journal of colloid and interface science 418, 200-207, 2014
Auto generative capacitive mixing for power conversion of sea and river water by the use of membranes
O Burheim, BB Sales, O Schaetzle, F Liu, HVM Hamelers
Journal of Energy Resources Technology 135 (1), 011601, 2013
Parallel up-scaling of Capacitive Mixing (CapMix) system enhances the specific performance
F Liu, TFW Donkers, RM Wagterveld, O Schaetzle, M Saakes, ...
Electrochimica Acta 187, 104-112, 2016
Ammonium across a selective polymer inclusion membrane: characterization, transport, and selectivity
A Casadellà, O Schaetzle, K Loos
Macromolecular Rapid Communications 37 (10), 858-864, 2016
F. Barri re, U. Schrçder
O Schaetzle
Energy Environ. Sci 2, 96-99, 2009
Electrical energy from CO2 emissions by direct gas feeding in capacitive cells
L Legrand, O Schaetzle, M Tedesco, HVM Hamelers
Electrochimica Acta 319, 264-276, 2019
Effect of Diffusion and Migration on the Selectivity of a Polymer Inclusion Membrane Containing Dicyclohexano‐18‐crown‐6
A Casadellà, AH Galama, O Schaetzle, K Loos
Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 217 (14), 1600-1606, 2016
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Articles 1–20