General unified threshold model of survival-a toxicokinetic-toxicodynamic framework for ecotoxicology T Jager, C Albert, TG Preuss, R Ashauer Environmental Science & Technology 45 (7), 2529-2540, 2011 | 483 | 2011 |
Priority assessment of toxic substances in life cycle assessment. Part I: Calculation of toxicity potentials for 181 substances with the nested multi-media fate, exposure and … MAJ Huijbregts, U Thissen, JB Guinée, T Jager, D Kalf, D Van de Meent, ... Chemosphere 41 (4), 541-573, 2000 | 472 | 2000 |
Monitoring approaches to assess bioaccessibility and bioavailability of metals: Matrix issues W Peijnenburg, T Jager Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 56 (1), 63-77, 2003 | 461 | 2003 |
Elucidating the routes of exposure for organic chemicals in the earthworm, Eisenia andrei (Oligochaeta) T Jager, RHLJ Fleuren, EA Hogendoorn, G De Korte Environmental science & technology 37 (15), 3399-3404, 2003 | 266 | 2003 |
Making sense of ecotoxicological test results: towards application of process-based models T Jager, EHW Heugens, SALM Kooijman Ecotoxicology 15 (3), 305-314, 2006 | 255 | 2006 |
Temperature-dependent effects of cadmium on Daphnia magna: accumulation versus sensitivity EHW Heugens, T Jager, R Creyghton, MHS Kraak, AJ Hendriks, ... Environmental science & technology 37 (10), 2145-2151, 2003 | 255 | 2003 |
Relating environmental availability to bioavailability: soil-type-dependent metal accumulation in the oligochaete Eisenia andrei WJGM Peijnenburg, R Baerselman, AC de Groot, T Jager, L Posthuma, ... Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 44 (3), 294-310, 1999 | 244 | 1999 |
From food‐dependent statistics to metabolic parameters, a practical guide to the use of dynamic energy budget theory S Kooijman, T Sousa, L Pecquerie, J Van der Meer, T Jager Biological Reviews 83 (4), 533-552, 2008 | 198 | 2008 |
Dynamic Energy Budget theory meets individual‐based modelling: a generic and accessible implementation BT Martin, EI Zimmer, V Grimm, T Jager Methods in Ecology and Evolution 3 (2), 445-449, 2012 | 190 | 2012 |
Solid-phase microextraction to predict bioavailability and accumulation of organic micropollutants in terrestrial organisms after exposure to a field-contaminated soil L Van der Wal, T Jager, RHLJ Fleuren, A Barendregt, TL Sinnige, ... Environmental science & technology 38 (18), 4842-4848, 2004 | 189 | 2004 |
Quantification of Metal Bioavailability for Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) in Field Soils W Peijnenburg, R Baerselman, A De Groot, T Jager, D Leenders, ... Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 39, 420-430, 2000 | 186 | 2000 |
Simplified Dynamic Energy Budget model for analysing ecotoxicity data T Jager, EI Zimmer Ecological Modelling 225, 74-81, 2012 | 185 | 2012 |
European Union system for the evaluation of substances (EUSES). Principles and structure TG Vermeire, DT Jager, B Bussian, J Devillers, K Den Haan, B Hansen, ... Chemosphere 34 (8), 1823-1836, 1997 | 172 | 1997 |
Prediction of metal bioavailability in Dutch field soils for the oligochaete Enchytraeus crypticus WJGM Peijnenburg, L Posthuma, PGPC Zweers, R Baerselman, ... Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 43 (2), 170-186, 1999 | 150 | 1999 |
A biology-based approach for mixture toxicity of multiple endpoints over the life cycle T Jager, T Vandenbrouck, J Baas, WM De Coen, SALM Kooijman Ecotoxicology 19 (2), 351-361, 2010 | 143 | 2010 |
Simultaneous modeling of multiple end points in life-cycle toxicity tests T Jager, T Crommentuijn, CAM Van Gestel, SALM Kooijman Environmental science & technology 38 (10), 2894-2900, 2004 | 140 | 2004 |
Metal uptake from soils and soil-sediment mixtures by larvae of Tenebrio molitor (L.)(Coleoptera) M Vijver, T Jager, L Posthuma, W Peijnenburg Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 54 (3), 277-289, 2003 | 140 | 2003 |
Predicting population dynamics from the properties of individuals: a cross-level test of Dynamic Energy Budget theory BT Martin, T Jager, RM Nisbet, TG Preuss, V Grimm The American Naturalist 181 (4), 506-519, 2013 | 137 | 2013 |
Toxicokinetics of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Eisenia andrei (Oligochaeta) using spiked soil T Jager, FAA Sánchez, B Muijs, EG van der Velde, L Posthuma Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 19 (4), 953-961, 2000 | 137 | 2000 |
Adding value to ecological risk assessment with population modeling VE Forbes, P Calow, V Grimm, TI Hayashi, T Jager, A Katholm, ... Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 17 (2), 287-299, 2011 | 126 | 2011 |