Ilan Oshri
Ilan Oshri
Professor of Information Systems, University of Auckland
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Social ties, knowledge sharing and successful collaboration in globally distributed system development projects
J Kotlarsky, I Oshri
European Journal of Information Systems 14 (1), 37-48, 2005
The handbook of global outsourcing and offshoring
I Oshri, J Kotlarsky, L Willcocks
Palgrave Macmillan, 2009
Business model renewal and ambidexterity: structural alteration and strategy formation process during transition to a C loud business model
S Khanagha, H Volberda, I Oshri
R&D Management 44 (3), 322-340, 2014
Knowledge transfer in globally distributed teams: the role of transactive memory
I Oshri, P Van Fenema, J Kotlarsky
Information Systems Journal 18 (6), 593-616, 2008
Global software development: Exploring socialization and face-to-face meetings in distributed strategic projects
I Oshri, J Kotlarsky, LP Willcocks
The Journal of Strategic Information Systems 16 (1), 25-49, 2007
Managing dispersed expertise in IT offshore outsourcing: Lessons from Tata Consultancy Services.
I Oshri, J Kotlarsky, L Willcocks
MIS Quarterly Executive 6 (2), 2007
Management innovation and adoption of emerging technologies: The case of cloud computing
S Khanagha, H Volberda, J Sidhu, I Oshri
European Management Review 10 (1), 51-67, 2013
Coordinating expertise across knowledge boundaries iin offshore-outsourcing projects
J Kotlarsky, H Scarbrough, I Oshri
Mis Quarterly 38 (2), 607-A5, 2014
Strategic innovation through outsourcing: The role of relational and contractual governance
I Oshri, J Kotlarsky, A Gerbasi
The Journal of Strategic Information Systems 24 (3), 203-216, 2015
Customer co-creation and exploration of emerging technologies: the mediating role of managerial attention and initiatives
S Khanagha, H Volberda, I Oshri
Long Range Planning 50 (2), 221-242, 2017
Global sourcing: recent trends and issues
I Oshri, J Kotlarsky, JW Rottman, LL Willcocks
Information Technology & People 22 (3), 192-200, 2009
Globally distributed component-based software development: an exploratory study of knowledge management and work division
J Kotlarsky, M Oshri, J van Hillegersberg, K Kumar
Journal of Information Technology 22 (2), 161-173, 2007
Cooperation and competition standards-setting activities in the digitization era: The case of wireless information devices
I Oshri, C Weeber
Technology analysis & strategic management 18 (2), 265-283, 2006
Offshoring strategies: Evolving captive center models
I Oshri
MIT Press, 2011
Country attractiveness for offshoring and offshore outsourcing: additional considerations
J Kotlarsky, I Oshri
Journal of Information Technology 23 (4), 228-231, 2008
Trade-offs between knowledge exploitation and exploration activities
I Oshri, SL Pan, S Newell
Knowledge Management Research & Practice 3 (1), 10-23, 2005
Sourcing in or out: Implications for social capital and knowledge sharing
A Zimmermann, I Oshri, E Lioliou, A Gerbasi
The Journal of Strategic Information Systems 27 (1), 82-100, 2018
Missing links: building critical social ties for global collaborative teamwork
I Oshri, J Kotlarsky, L Willcocks
Communications of the ACM 51 (4), 76-81, 2008
Digital sustainability in information systems research: Conceptual foundations and future directions
J Kotlarsky, I Oshri, N Sekulic
Journal of the Association for Information Systems 24 (4), 936-952, 2023
Component sharing in complex products and systems: challenges, solutions, and practical implications
I Oshri, S Newell
IEEE transactions on engineering management 52 (4), 509-521, 2005
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