Jaume Barcelo
Jaume Barcelo
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IEEE 802.11 AH: the WiFi approach for M2M communications
T Adame, A Bel, B Bellalta, J Barcelo, M Oliver
IEEE Wireless Communications 21 (6), 144-152, 2014
On the performance of packet aggregation in IEEE 802.11 ac MU-MIMO WLANs
B Bellalta, J Barcelo, D Staehle, A Vinel, M Oliver
IEEE Communications Letters 16 (10), 1588-1591, 2012
Learning-BEB: avoiding collisions in WLAN
J Barcelo, B Bellalta, C Cano, M Oliver
Other IFIP Publications, 2008
User privacy in the public bitcoin blockchain
J Barcelo
URL: http://www. dtic. upf. edu/jbarcelo/papers/20140704 User Privacy in the …, 2014
On the interactions between multiple overlapping WLANs using channel bonding
B Bellalta, A Checco, A Zocca, J Barcelo
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 65 (2), 796-812, 2015
A high efficiency MAC protocol for WLANs: Providing fairness in dense scenarios
L Sanabria-Russo, J Barcelo, B Bellalta, F Gringoli
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 25 (1), 492-505, 2016
Capacity analysis of IEEE 802.11 ah WLANs for M2M communications
T Adame, A Bel, B Bellalta, J Barceló, J Gonzalez, M Oliver
Multiple Access Communcations: 6th International Workshop, MACOM 2013 …, 2013
A low power listening MAC with scheduled wake up after transmissions for WSNs
C Cano, B Bellalta, A Sfairopoulou, J Barceló
IEEE Communications Letters 13 (4), 221-223, 2009
Performance analysis of IEEE 802.11 ac wireless backhaul networks in saturated conditions
R Liao, B Bellalta, J Barcelo, V Valls, M Oliver
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2013, 1-14, 2013
Towards a collision-free WLAN: Dynamic parameter adjustment in CSMA/E2CA
J Barcelo, B Bellalta, C Cano, A Sfairopoulou, M Oliver, K Verma
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2011, 1-11, 2011
CSMA with enhanced collision avoidance: A performance assessment
J Barcelo, B Bellalta, A Sfairopoulou, C Cano, M Oliver
VTC Spring 2009-IEEE 69th Vehicular Technology Conference, 1-5, 2009
Fairness and convergence of CSMA with enhanced collision avoidance (ECA)
J Barcelo, AL Toledo, C Cano, M Oliver
2010 IEEE International Conference on Communications, 1-6, 2010
Future evolution of CSMA protocols for the IEEE 802.11 standard
L Sanabria-Russo, A Faridi, B Bellalta, J Barcelo, M Oliver
2013 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC), 1274-1279, 2013
CAS-based channel access protocol for IEEE 802.11 ah WLANs
A Bel, T Adame, B Bellalta, J Barcelo, J Gonzalez, M Oliver
European Wireless 2014; 20th European Wireless Conference, 1-6, 2014
Video-based learning in higher education: the flipped or the hands-on classroom?
L Albó, D Hernández-Leo, J Barcelo, L Sanabria-Russo
EDEN Conference Proceedings, 400-408, 2015
Carrier sense multiple access with enhanced collision avoidance: a performance analysis
J Barcelo, B Bellalta, C Cano, A Sfairopoulou, M Oliver
Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Wireless Communications …, 2009
Channel bonding in short-range WLANs
B Bellalta, A Faridi, J Barcelo, A Checco, P Chatzimisios
European Wireless 2014; 20th European Wireless Conference, 1-7, 2014
Tuning the EDCA parameters in WLANs with heterogeneous traffic: A flow-level analysis
C Cano, B Bellalta, A Sfairopoulou, J Barceló
Computer Networks 54 (13), 2199-2214, 2010
Traffic prioritization for carrier sense multiple access with enhanced collision avoidance
J Barcelo, B Bellalta, C Cano, A Sfairopoulou, M Oliver, J Zuidweg
2009 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops, 1-5, 2009
Throughput analysis in CSMA/CA networks using continuous time Markov networks: A tutorial
B Bellalta, A Zocca, C Cano, A Checco, J Barcelo, A Vinel
Wireless Networking for Moving Objects: Protocols, Architectures, Tools …, 2014
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