Kaveh Razavi
Kaveh Razavi
Assistant Professor at ETH Zurich
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Cited by
RIDL: Rogue In-Flight Data Load
S van Schaik, A Milburn, S Österlund, P Frigo, G Maisuradze, K Razavi, ...
S&P (May 2019), 2019
Drammer: Deterministic Rowhammer Attacks on Mobile Platforms
V van der Veen, Y Fratantonio, M Lindorfer, D Gruss, C Maurice, G Vigna, ...
Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications …, 2016
Translation leak-aside buffer: defeating cache side-channel protections with TLB attacks
B Gras, K Razavi, H Bos, C Giuffrida
USENIX Security 18, 2018
ASLR on the Line: Practical Cache Attacks on the MMU.
B Gras, K Razavi, E Bosman, H Bos, C Giuffrida
NDSS 17, 26, 2017
Flip Feng Shui: Hammering a Needle in the Software Stack
K Razavi, B Gras, E Bosman, B Preneel, C Giuffrida, H Bos
USENIX Security Symposium, 2016
Dedup Est Machina: Memory Deduplication as an Advanced Exploitation Vector
E Bosman, K Razavi, H Bos, C Giuffrida
IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P), 2016
TRRespass: Exploiting the Many Sides of Target Row Refresh
P Frigo, E Vannacci, H Hassan, V van der Veen, O Mutlu, C Giuffrida, ...
S&P, 2020
Exploiting correcting codes: On the effectiveness of ecc memory against rowhammer attacks
L Cojocar, K Razavi, C Giuffrida, H Bos
S&P, 2019
Throwhammer: Rowhammer Attacks over the Network and Defenses
A Tatar, R Krishnan, E Athanasopoulos, C Giuffrida, H Bos, K Razavi
Crosstalk: Speculative data leaks across cores are real
H Ragab, A Milburn, K Razavi, H Bos, C Giuffrida
IEEE Symposium on Security & Privacy, 2021
ParmeSan: Sanitizer-guided Greybox Fuzzing
S Österlund, K Razavi, H Bos, C Giuffrida
USENIX Security, 2020
Grand pwning unit: Accelerating microarchitectural attacks with the GPU
P Frigo, C Giuffrida, H Bos, K Razavi
2018 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP), 195-210, 2018
Blacksmith: Scalable rowhammering in the frequency domain
P Jattke, V Van Der Veen, P Frigo, S Gunter, K Razavi
2022 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP), 716-734, 2022
Uncovering In-DRAM RowHammer Protection Mechanisms: A New Methodology, Custom RowHammer Patterns, and Implications
H Hassan, YC Tugrul, JS Kim, V Van der Veen, K Razavi, O Mutlu
MICRO-54: 54th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture …, 2021
GuardION: Practical mitigation of DMA-based rowhammer attacks on ARM
V Van der Veen, M Lindorfer, Y Fratantonio, H Padmanabha Pillai, ...
Detection of Intrusions and Malware, and Vulnerability Assessment: 15th …, 2018
Defeating software mitigations against rowhammer: a surgical precision hammer
A Tatar, C Giuffrida, H Bos, K Razavi
Research in Attacks, Intrusions, and Defenses: 21st International Symposium …, 2018
SMASH: Synchronized Many-sided Rowhammer Attacks from JavaScript
F de Ridder, P Frigo, E Vannacci, H Bos, C Giuffrida, K Razavi
USENIX Security Symposium, 2021
ZebRAM: comprehensive and compatible software protection against rowhammer attacks
RK Konoth, M Oliverio, A Tatar, D Andriesse, H Bos, C Giuffrida, K Razavi
13th {USENIX} Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation …, 2018
ABSynthe: Automatic Blackbox Side-channel Synthesis on Commodity Microarchitectures
B Gras, C Giuffrida, M Kurth, H Bos, K Razavi
NDSS, 2020
NetCAT: Practical cache attacks from the network
M Kurth, B Gras, D Andriesse, C Giuffrida, H Bos, K Razavi
2020 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP), 20-38, 2020
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Articles 1–20