Loes Keijsers
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On the progression and stability of adolescent identity formation: A five‐wave longitudinal study in early‐to‐middle and middle‐to‐late adolescence
W Meeus, R Van De Schoot, L Keijsers, SJ Schwartz, S Branje
Child development 81 (5), 1565-1581, 2010
The effect of social media on well-being differs from adolescent to adolescent
I Beyens, JL Pouwels, II van Driel, L Keijsers, PM Valkenburg
Scientific reports 10 (1), 10763, 2020
Reciprocal effects between parental solicitation, parental control, adolescent disclosure, and adolescent delinquency
L Keijsers, SJT Branje, IE VanderValk, W Meeus
Journal of Research on Adolescence 20 (1), 88-113, 2010
Developmental changes in parent–child communication throughout adolescence.
L Keijsers, F Poulin
Developmental psychology 49 (12), 2301, 2013
Anxiety trajectories and identity development in adolescence: A five-wave longitudinal study
E Crocetti, T Klimstra, L Keijsers, WW Hale, W Meeus
Journal of Youth and Adolescence 38, 839-849, 2009
Developmental links of adolescent disclosure, parental solicitation, and control with delinquency: moderation by parental support.
L Keijsers, T Frijns, SJT Branje, W Meeus
Developmental psychology 45 (5), 1314, 2009
Parental monitoring and adolescent problem behaviors: How much do we really know?
L Keijsers
International Journal of Behavioral Development 40 (3), 271-281, 2016
Examining the interpersonal reactivity index (IRI) among early and late adolescents and their mothers
ST Hawk, L Keijsers, SJT Branje, JV Graaff, M Wied, W Meeus
Journal of personality assessment 95 (1), 96-106, 2013
Maintaining close relationships: Gratitude as a motivator and a detector of maintenance behavior
KE Kubacka, C Finkenauer, CE Rusbult, L Keijsers
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 37 (10), 1362-1375, 2011
Identity statuses as developmental trajectories: A five-wave longitudinal study in early-to-middle and middle-to-late adolescents
W Meeus, R van de Schoot, L Keijsers, S Branje
Journal of youth and adolescence 41, 1008-1021, 2012
Forbidden friends as forbidden fruit: Parental supervision of friendships, contact with deviant peers, and adolescent delinquency
L Keijsers, S Branje, ST Hawk, SJ Schwartz, T Frijns, HM Koot, P van Lier, ...
Child development 83 (2), 651-666, 2012
What parents don't know and how it may affect their children: Qualifying the disclosure–adjustment link
T Frijns, L Keijsers, S Branje, W Meeus
Journal of adolescence 33 (2), 261-270, 2010
Social media use and adolescents’ self-esteem: Heading for a person-specific media effects paradigm
P Valkenburg, I Beyens, JL Pouwels, II van Driel, L Keijsers
Journal of Communication 71 (1), 56-78, 2021
Self-concept clarity across adolescence: Longitudinal associations with open communication with parents and internalizing symptoms
MPA Van Dijk, S Branje, L Keijsers, ST Hawk, WW Hale, W Meeus
Journal of youth and adolescence 43, 1861-1876, 2014
Social media browsing and adolescent well-being: Challenging the “Passive Social Media Use Hypothesis”
PM Valkenburg, I Beyens, JL Pouwels, II van Driel, L Keijsers
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 27 (1), zmab015, 2022
Gender differences in keeping secrets from parents in adolescence.
L Keijsers, SJT Branje, T Frijns, C Finkenauer, W Meeus
Developmental psychology 46 (1), 293, 2010
A review of current ambulatory assessment studies in adolescent samples and practical recommendations
E van Roekel, L Keijsers, JM Chung
Journal of Research on Adolescence 29 (3), 560-577, 2019
Discrete-vs. continuous-time modeling of unequally spaced experience sampling method data
S de Haan-Rietdijk, MC Voelkle, L Keijsers, EL Hamaker
Frontiers in psychology 8, 1849, 2017
Social media use and friendship closeness in adolescents’ daily lives: An experience sampling study.
JL Pouwels, PM Valkenburg, I Beyens, II van Driel, L Keijsers
Developmental Psychology 57 (2), 309, 2021
Mind your own business! Longitudinal relations between perceived privacy invasion and adolescent-parent conflict.
ST Hawk, L Keijsers, WW Hale III, W Meeus
Journal of Family Psychology 23 (4), 511, 2009
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