Peter L. van der Togt
Peter L. van der Togt
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Ruminal behaviour of structural carbohydrates, non-structural carbohydrates and crude protein from concentrate ingredients in dairy cows
S Tamminga, AM Vuuren, CJ Koelen, RS Ketelaar, PL van der Togt
Netherlands Journal of Agricultural Science 38 (3B), 513-526, 1990
Structural and non-structural carbohydrates in concentrate supplements of silage-based dairy cow rations. 1. Feed intake and milk production.
H de Visser, PL van der Togt, S Tamminga
Netherlands Journal of Agricultural Science 38 (3B), 487-498, 1990
The effect of body weight and energy intake on the composition of deposited tissue in pigs
KH Greef, MWA Verstegen, B Kemp, PL van der Togt
Animal Production-Pencaitland 58 (2), 263-270, 1994
Effect of allowed grazing time, inert rumen bulk and length of starvation before grazing on the weight, composition and dermentative end‐products of the rumen contents of …
P Chilibroste, S Tamminga, J van Bruchem, PL van der Togt
Grass and forage science 53 (2), 146-156, 1998
Nutrient flows for poultry production in the Netherlands
IJ De Boer, PL Van Der Togt, M Grossman, RP Kwakkel
Poultry Science 79 (2), 172-179, 2000
Structural and non-structural carbohydrates in concentrate supplements of silage-based dairy cow rations. 2. Rumen degradation, fermentation and kinetics
H De Visser, PL Van der Togt, H Huisert, S Tamminga
Netherlands Journal of Agricultural Science 40, 431-431, 1992
Effect of dietary fat and α-tocopherol level in the lactation diet on the performance of primiparous sows and their piglets
L Babinszky, MWA Verstegen, LA Den Hartog, T Zandstra, ...
Animal Science 55 (2), 233-240, 1992
Bibliometric analyses on repository contents for the evaluation of research at Wageningen UR
MGP Van Veller, W Gerritsma, PL Van der Togt, CD Leon, CM Van Zeist
Qualitative and quantitative methods in libraries: Theory and Applications …, 2009
Bibliometrics in the library, putting science into practice
W Gerritsma, ME Loman, JMS Renkema, PL van der Togt, IV Veerman, ...
Eleventh International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators, 98, 2010
How Wageningen University and Research Centre managed to influence researchers publishing behaviour towards more quality, impact and visibility
P Fondermann, PL van der Togt
Procedia Computer Science 106, 204-211, 2017
Bio-efficacy of two phytase formulations supplemented to a corn-soybean broiler diet
RP Kwakkel, PL Van Der Togt, ABMK Holkenborg
Proceedings of the 3rd European Symposium on Feed Enzymes.-Noordwijkerhout …, 2000
The behavior of starch in the rumen of dairy cows. Modeling No. 14
S Tamminga, P Van der Togt, CJ Van der Koelen, C Melieftste, M Luttikuis, ...
Inst. Livest. Feeding Nutri. Lelystad. Netherlands, 1989
Het gedrag van zetmeel in de pens van melkkoeien.
S Tamminga, PL van der Togt, CJ Koelen, C Melieftste, MPM Luttikhuis, ...
van der & Veller, MGP van (2011)
W Gerritsma, PL Togt
LIBER 40th Annual Conference: Bibliometric analysis tools on top of the …, 0
Bibliometric analysis tools on top of the university’s bibliographic database, new roles and opportunities for library outreach
W Gerritsma
Österreichische Bibliothekartag: Die neue Bibliothek–Anspruch und …, 2011
Comparing bibliometric tools for research assessment from a CRIS point of view
E Fest, H Van Zeeland, J Booij, P Van der Togt, T Jetten
euroCRIS, 2018
Bibliometric Analysis at Wageningen University & Research–a comparison of 3 systems
E Fest, T Jetten, R Derkx, P van der Togt, M Post, M van Veller, ...
22nd Nordic Workshop on Bibliometrics and Research Policy, 2017
Bibliometric Analysis at Wageningen University & Research–comparison of three bibliometric systems
E Fest, T Jetten, R Derkx, P van der Togt, M Post, M van Veller, ...
De gehalten aan stikstof, fosfor en kalium in blanke vleeskalveren
PA Kemme, JTM Diepen, PL van der Togt, AW Jongbloed
Animal Sciences Group, 2004
Evaluation of a growth model of preruminant calves and modifications to simulate short-term responses to changes in protein intake
WJJ Gerrits, PL van der Togt, J Dijkstra, J France
Modelling nutrient utilization in farm animals, 163-173, 2000
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Articles 1–20