Kim de Jong
Kim de Jong
Senior Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology, Leiden University
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Feasibility, reliability and validity of a questionnaire on healthcare consumption and productivity loss in patients with a psychiatric disorder (TiC-P)
C Bouwmans, K De Jong, R Timman, M Zijlstra-Vlasveld, ...
BMC health services research 13, 1-9, 2013
Routine use of patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) for improving treatment of common mental health disorders in adults
T Kendrick, M El‐Gohary, B Stuart, S Gilbody, R Churchill, L Aiken, ...
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2016
Understanding the differential impact of outcome monitoring: Therapist variables that moderate feedback effects in a randomized clinical trial
K de Jong, P van Sluis, MA Nugter, WJ Heiser, P Spinhoven
Psychotherapy research 22 (4), 464-474, 2012
The Outcome Questionnaire (OQ‐45) in a Dutch population: A cross‐cultural validation
K De Jong, MA Nugter, MG Polak, JEA Wagenborg, P Spinhoven, ...
Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy: An International Journal of Theory …, 2007
Using progress feedback to improve outcomes and reduce drop-out, treatment duration, and deterioration: A multilevel meta-analysis
K de Jong, JM Conijn, RAV Gallagher, AS Reshetnikova, M Heij, MC Lutz
Clinical psychology review 85, 102002, 2021
Feedback-informed treatment versus usual psychological treatment for depression and anxiety: a multisite, open-label, cluster randomised controlled trial
J Delgadillo, K de Jong, M Lucock, W Lutz, J Rubel, S Gilbody, S Ali, ...
The Lancet Psychiatry 5 (7), 564-572, 2018
Patient-focused and feedback research in psychotherapy: Where are we and where do we want to go?
W Lutz, K De Jong, J Rubel
Psychotherapy Research 25 (6), 625-632, 2015
The effect of outcome monitoring feedback to clinicians and patients in short and long-term psychotherapy: A randomized controlled trial
K De Jong, R Timman, L Hakkaart-Van Roijen, P Vermeulen, K Kooiman, ...
Psychotherapy Research 24 (6), 629-639, 2014
Improving the efficiency of cognitive-behavioural therapy by using formal client feedback
PD Janse, K De Jong, MK Van Dijk, GJM Hutschemaekers, ...
Psychotherapy Research 27 (5), 525-538, 2017
Measuring, predicting, and tracking change in psychotherapy
W Lutz, K de Jong, JA Rubel, J Delgadillo
Bergin and Garfield’s handbook of psychotherapy and behavior change 7, 89-133, 2021
Improving the efficiency of psychological treatment using outcome feedback technology
J Delgadillo, K Overend, M Lucock, M Groom, N Kirby, D McMillan, ...
Behaviour research and therapy 99, 89-97, 2017
Routine outcome monitoring (ROM) and feedback: Research review and recommendations
M Barkham, K De Jong, J Delgadillo, W Lutz
Psychotherapy Research 33 (7), 841-855, 2023
A priori power analysis in longitudinal three-level multilevel models: an example with therapist effects
K De Jong, M Moerbeek, R Van der Leeden
Psychotherapy Research 20 (3), 273-284, 2010
Deriving implementation strategies for outcome monitoring feedback from theory, research and practice
K De Jong
Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services …, 2016
Why do some therapists not deal with outcome monitoring feedback? A feasibility study on the effect of regulatory focus and person–organization fit on attitude and outcome
K De Jong, M De Goede
Psychotherapy Research 25 (6), 661-668, 2015
Self-reported reflective functioning mediates the association between attachment insecurity and well-being among psychotherapists
A Brugnera, C Zarbo, A Compare, A Talia, GA Tasca, K De Jong, A Greco, ...
Psychotherapy Research 31 (2), 247-257, 2021
Adverse effects of outcome monitoring feedback in patients with personality disorders: A randomized controlled trial in day treatment and inpatient settings
K de Jong, J Segaar, T Ingenhoven, J van Busschbach, R Timman
Journal of Personality Disorders 32 (3), 393-413, 2018
The Swedish version of the Outcome Questionnaire (OQ‐45): Reliability and factor structure in a substance abuse sample
P Wennberg, B Philips, K de Jong
Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice 83 (3), 325-329, 2010
Handleiding voor afname en scoring van de Outcome Questionnaire OQ-45.2
K De Jong, MA Nugter, MJ Lambert, GM Burlingame
Salt Lake City, UT, OQ Measures LLC, 2009
Enhancing the effect of psychotherapy through systematic client feedback in outpatient mental healthcare: A cluster randomized trial.
B Bovendeerd, K De Jong, E De Groot, M Moerbeek, J De Keijser
Psychotherapy Research 32 (6), 710-722, 2022
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