Pauwels, Teun
Pauwels, Teun
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Measuring populism: Comparing two methods of content analysis
M Rooduijn, T Pauwels
West European Politics 34 (6), 1272-1283, 2011
Measuring populism: A quantitative text analysis of party literature in Belgium
T Pauwels
Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties 21 (1), 97-119, 2011
Populism in Western Europe: Comparing Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands
T Pauwels
Routledge, 2014
Where Do Distrusting Voters Turn if There is No Viable Exit or Voice Option? The Impact of Political Trust on Electoral Behaviour in the Belgian Regional Elections of June 20091
M Hooghe, S Marien, T Pauwels
Government and opposition 46 (2), 245-273, 2011
Populism and its causes
K Hawkins, M Read, T Pauwels
The Oxford handbook of populism, 267-286, 2017
Explaining the strange decline of the populist radical right vlaams belang in Belgium: The impact of permanent opposition
T Pauwels
Acta Politica 46, 60-82, 2011
Explaining the success of neo-liberal populist parties: the case of Lijst Dedecker in Belgium
T Pauwels
Political Studies 58 (5), 1009-1029, 2010
Sub-state nationalism and populism: the cases of Vlaams Belang, New Flemish Alliance and DéFI in Belgium
E Van Haute, T Pauwels, D Sinardet
Comparative European Politics 16, 954-975, 2018
Measuring populism: A review of current approaches
T Pauwels
Political Populism, 123-136, 2017
2 The Vlaams Belang: Party Organization and Party Dynamics
E Van Haute, T Pauwels
Understanding Populist Party Organisation: The Radical Right in Western …, 2016
Party membership role and party cartelization in Belgium and Italy: Two faces of the same medal?
G Sandri, T Pauwels
Politics & Policy 38 (6), 1237-1266, 2010
It is still a long way from Madou Square to Law Street: The evolution of the Flemish Bloc
P Lucardie, T Akkerman, T Pauwels
Radical Right-Wing Populist Parties in Western Europe, 208-224, 2016
Le Vlaams Belang
T Pauwels
Les partis politiques en Belgique 3, 222, 2011
Reassessing conceptualization, data and causality: A critique of Boomgaarden and Vliegenthart's study on the relationship between media and the rise of anti-immigrant parties
T Pauwels
Electoral studies 29 (2), 269-275, 2010
Belgium: Decline of national populism
T Pauwels
Exposing the demagogues: Right-wing and national populist parties in Europe …, 2013
Populism in Belgium in times of crisis: Intensification of discourse, decline in electoral support
T Pauwels, M Rooduijn
Colchester, UKECPR Press, 2015
Measuring populism in comparative research-two content analysis methods compared
M Rooduijn, T Pauwells
Politiciologenetmaal. Leuven, 4, 2010
The role of party members in Belgian and Italian parties: a cross-national analysis
G Sandri, T Pauwels
The populist voter: Explaining electoral support for populist parties in The Netherlands, Belgium and Germany
T Pauwels
Université libre de Bruxelles, 2012
Populisme in vlaanderen
T Pauwels
Samenleving en politiek 18 (7), 4-15, 2011
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