Agnieszka Doroszuk
Agnieszka Doroszuk
senior postdoc, Wageningen University
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A Caenorhabditis elegans Wild Type Defies the Temperature–Size Rule Owing to a Single Nucleotide Polymorphism in tra-3
JE Kammenga, A Doroszuk, JAG Riksen, E Hazendonk, L Spiridon, ...
PLoS genetics 3 (3), e34, 2007
A genome-wide library of CB4856/N2 introgression lines of Caenorhabditis elegans
A Doroszuk, LB Snoek, E Fradin, J Riksen, J Kammenga
Nucleic acids research 37 (16), e110-e110, 2009
Environmental influence on the genetic correlations between life-history traits in Caenorhabditis elegans
EW Gutteling, A Doroszuk, JAG Riksen, Z Prokop, J Reszka, ...
Heredity 98 (4), 206-213, 2007
The effect of developmental nutrition on life span and fecundity depends on the adult reproductive environment in Drosophila melanogaster
CM May, A Doroszuk, BJ Zwaan
Ecology and Evolution 5 (6), 1156-1168, 2015
Rapid divergence of genetic variance-covariance matrix within a natural population
A Doroszuk, MW Wojewodzic, G Gort, JE Kammenga
The American Naturalist 171 (3), 291-304, 2008
Beyond induced mutants: using worms to study natural variation in genetic pathways
JE Kammenga, PC Phillips, M De Bono, A Doroszuk
Trends in Genetics 24 (4), 178-185, 2008
Transcriptome analysis of a long-lived natural Drosophila variant: a prominent role of stress- and reproduction-genes in lifespan extension
A Doroszuk, MJ Jonker, N Pul, TM Breit, BJ Zwaan
Bmc Genomics 13, 1-16, 2012
Type of disturbance and ecological history determine structural stability
AWG van der Wurff, SAE Kools, MEY Boivin, PJ Van den Brink, ...
Ecological Applications 17 (1), 190-202, 2007
Rapid adaptive divergence of life-history traits in response to abiotic stress within a natural population of a parthenogenetic nematode
A Doroszuk, MW Wojewodzic, JE Kammenga
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 273 (1601), 2611-2618, 2006
Response of secondary production and its components to multiple stressors in nematode field populations
A Doroszuk, E Te Brake, D CRESPO‐GONZALEZ, JE Kammenga
Journal of Applied Ecology 44 (2), 446-455, 2007
Adaptation to developmental diet influences the response to selection on age at reproduction in the fruit fly
CM May, J van den Heuvel, A Doroszuk, KM Hoedjes, T Flatt, BJ Zwaan
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 32 (5), 425-437, 2019
Evaluation of information indices as indicators of environmental stress in terrestrial soils
MA Tobor-Kapłon, R Holtkamp, UM Scharler, A Doroszuk, FJA Kuenen, ...
ecological modelling 208 (1), 80-90, 2007
Multi-generation effects at the population level: fitness maximisation and optimal allocation in a nematode
J Kammenga, MJ Arts, A Doroszuk
Demography in Ecotoxicology/Jan Kammenga and Ryszard Laskowski, 163-178, 2000
Populations under stress: Analysis on the interface between ecology and evolutionary genetics in nematodes
A Doroszuk
PQDT-Global, 2007
A strategy in searching for stress tolerance-correlated characteristics in nematodes while accounting for phylogenetic interdependence
MHM Holterman, GW Korthals, A Doroszuk, HBH van Megen, J Bakker, ...
Nematology 13 (3), 261, 2011
A comparative analysis of traits involved in stress tolerance in nematodes
MHM Holterman, A Doroszuk, J Helder, AWG van der Wurff
European Society of Nematologists XXVIII International Symposium …, 2006
The transcriptional architecture of the trade-off between lifespan and offspring
LB Snoek, AV Rodriguez, EW Gutteling, A Doroszuk, JAG Riksen, ...
12th Congress European Society for Evolutionary Biology, 10-60 Poster, 2009
Genetics of the temperature-size rule in C. elegans
JE Kammenga, A Doroszuk, JAG Riksen, E Hazendonk, LN Spiridon, ...
XI Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology, Uppsala …, 2007
Adaptation to multiple stressors through stress-specific mechnisms in natural populations
A Doroszuk, R Garcia-Gallego, JE Kammenga
XI Congress European Society for Evolutionary Biology, 20-25 August, 2007 …, 2007
Metals affect secondary stress sensitivity of nematode field populations
AWG van der Wurff, SAE Kools, MEY Boivin, PJ van den Brink, ...
Exposure and ecological effects of toxic mixtures at field-relevant …, 2007
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