Sher Verick
Sher Verick
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Female labor force participation in developing countries
S Verick
IZA World of Labor, 2014
The great recession of 2008-2009: causes, consequences and policy responses
S Verick, I Islam
IZA Discussion paper, 2010
The linkages between FDI and domestic investment: Unravelling the developmental impact of foreign investment in Sub‐Saharan Africa
L Ndikumana, S Verick
Development Policy Review 26 (6), 713-726, 2008
Who is hit hardest during a financial crisis? The vulnerability of young men and women to unemployment in an economic downturn
S Verick
IZA discussion Paper, 2009
Female labour force participation in India and beyond
R Chaudhary, S Verick
ILO Working Papers, 2014
The impact of globalization on the informal sector in Africa
S Verick
Economic and Social Policy Division, United Nations Economic Commission for …, 2006
The labour market impacts of the COVID-19: A global perspective
S Lee, D Schmidt-Klau, S Verick
The Indian Journal of Labour Economics 63, 11-15, 2020
Why did unemployment respond so differently to the global financial crisis across countries? Insights from Okun’s Law
S Cazes, S Verick, F Al Hussami
IZA Journal of Labor Policy 2, 1-18, 2013
Labour market policies in times of crisis
S Cazes, C Heuer, S Verick
From the Great Recession to Labour Market Recovery: Issues, Evidence and …, 2011
Youth employment and unemployment: an Indian perspective
A Mitra, S Verick
ILO, 2013
Who is hit hardest during a financial crisis
S Verick
The vulnerability of young men and women to unemployment in an economic downturn, 2009
Diverging trends in unemployment in the United States and Europe: evidence from Okun's law and the global financial crisis
S Cazes, S Verick, F Al Hussami
ILO Working Papers, 2011
Threshold effects of dismissal protection legislation in Germany
S Verick
Available at SSRN 494225, 2004
Women’s labour force participation in India: Why is it so low
S Verick
International Labor Organization, 2014
Giving up job search during a recession: The impact of the global financial crisis on the South African labour market
S Verick
Journal of African Economies 21 (3), 373-408, 2012
Understanding the drivers of poverty dynamics in Australian households
H Buddelmeyer, S Verick
Economic Record 84 (266), 310-321, 2008
Is this time really different? How the impact of the COVID‐19 crisis on labour markets contrasts with that of the global financial crisis of 2008–09
S Verick, D Schmidt‐klau, S Lee
International Labour Review 161 (1), 125-148, 2022
Current account deficits in sub-Saharan Africa: Do they matter
P Osakwe, S Verick
United Nations Commission for Africa, 201-220, 2007
The impact of the global financial crisis on labour markets in OECD countries: Why youth and other vulnerable groups have been hit hard
S Verick
From the great recession to labour market recovery: Issues, evidence and …, 2011
The labour markets of emerging economies: has growth translated into more and better jobs?
S Cazes, S Verick
Springer, 2013
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