Pim Willemsen
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Do salt marshes survive sea level rise? Modelling wave action, morphodynamics and vegetation dynamics
ÜSN Best, M Van der Wegen, J Dijkstra, P Willemsen, BW Borsje, ...
Environmental modelling & software 109, 152-166, 2018
Salt marshes for flood risk reduction: Quantifying long-term effectiveness and life-cycle costs
V Vuik, BW Borsje, PWJM Willemsen, SN Jonkman
Ocean & coastal management 171, 96-110, 2019
Beneficial use of dredged sediment to enhance salt marsh development by applying a ‘Mud Motor’
MJ Baptist, T Gerkema, BC Van Prooijen, DS Van Maren, M Van Regteren, ...
Ecological Engineering 127, 312-323, 2019
Sensitivity of the sediment trapping capacity of an estuarine mangrove forest
P Willemsen, EM Horstman, BW Borsje, DA Friess, CM Dohmen-Janssen
Geomorphology 273, 189-201, 2016
Assessing the contribution of porewater discharge in carbon export and CO2 evasion in a mangrove tidal creek (Can Gio, Vietnam)
P Taillardat, P Willemsen, C Marchand, DA Friess, D Widory, P Baudron, ...
Journal of hydrology 563, 303-318, 2018
Quantifying bed level change at the transition of tidal flat and salt marsh: can we understand the lateral location of the marsh edge?
P Willemsen, BW Borsje, S Hulscher, D Van der Wal, Z Zhu, B Oteman, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 123 (10), 2509-2524, 2018
Field-based decadal wave attenuating capacity of combined tidal flats and salt marshes
PWJM Willemsen, BW Borsje, V Vuik, TJ Bouma, SJMH Hulscher
Coastal engineering 156, 103628, 2020
Mechanistic modeling of marsh seedling establishment provides a positive outlook for coastal wetland restoration under global climate change
Z Hu, BW Borsje, J van Belzen, PWJM Willemsen, H Wang, Y Peng, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 48 (22), e2021GL095596, 2021
Modeling Decadal Salt Marsh Development: Variability of the Salt Marsh Edge Under Influence of Waves and Sediment Availability
PWJM Willemsen, BP Smits, BW Borsje, PMJ Herman, JT Dijkstra, ...
Water Resources Research 58 (1), 2022
Experiment-supported modelling of salt marsh establishment
DW Poppema, PWJM Willemsen, MB de Vries, Z Zhu, BW Borsje, ...
Ocean & coastal management 168, 238-250, 2019
Salt marsh construction as a nature-based solution in an estuarine social-ecological system
KE Martin J. Baptist, P. Dankers, J. Cleveringa, L. Sittoni, P.W.J.M ...
Nature-Based Solutions 1, 2021
Facilitating salt marsh restoration: the importance of event-based bed level dynamics and seasonal trends in bed level change
PWJM Willemsen, EM Horstman, TJ Bouma, MJ Baptist, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 793235, 2022
Synchronized high-resolution bed-level change and biophysical data from 10 marsh–mudflat sites in northwestern Europe
Z Hu, PWJM Willemsen, BW Borsje, C Wang, H Wang, D Van Der Wal, ...
Earth System Science Data 13 (2), 405-416, 2021
Gradual versus episodic lateral saltmarsh cliff erosion: Evidence from Terrestrial Laser Scans (TLS) and Surface Elevation Dynamics (SED) sensors
D van der Wal, J van Dalen, PWJM Willemsen, BW Borsje, TJ Bouma
Geomorphology 426, 108590, 2023
Salt marsh pilot Marconi: monitoring results
B de Vries, P Willemsen, MEB van Puijenbroek, L Coumou, MJ Baptist, ...
Ecoshape, 2021
Morphological response of a highly engineered estuary to altering channel depth and restoring wetlands
RWA Siemes, TM Duong, PWJM Willemsen, BW Borsje, SJMH Hulscher
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 11 (11), 2150, 2023
Protective structures as adaptive management strategy in Nature-based Solutions to mitigate sea level rise effects
TR Siegersma, PWJM Willemsen, EM Horstman, Z Hu, BW Borsje
Ecological Engineering 196, 107079, 2023
Beneficial use of dredged sediment to enhance salt marsh development by applying a ‘Mud Motor’: Evaluation based on monitoring
MJM Baptist, J Vroom, PWJM Willemsen, MEB van Puijenbroek, ...
Ecoshape, 2019
Long-term marsh growth and retreat in an online coupled hydrodynamic, morphodynamic and ecological model
SJ Odink, PWJM Willemsen, B Smits, SJMH Hulscher
NCK-DAYS 2019, 2019
Biogeomorphology of salt marshes: Understanding the decadal salt marsh dynamics for flood defense
PWJM Willemsen
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