Aulikki Hyrskykari
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Gaze interaction and applications of eye tracking: Advances in assistive technologies: Advances in assistive technologies
P Majaranta
iGi Global, 2011
Snap clutch, a moded approach to solving the Midas touch problem
H Istance, R Bates, A Hyrskykari, S Vickers
Proceedings of the 2008 symposium on Eye tracking research & applications …, 2008
101 spots, or how do users read menus?
A Aaltonen, A Hyrskykari, KJ Räihä
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems …, 1998
Designing gaze gestures for gaming: an investigation of performance
H Istance, A Hyrskykari, L Immonen, S Mansikkamaa, S Vickers
Proceedings of the 2010 Symposium on Eye-Tracking Research & Applications …, 2010
Gaze path stimulation in retrospective think-aloud
A Hyrskykari, S Ovaska, P Majaranta, KJ Räihä, M Lehtinen
Journal of Eye Movement Research 2 (4), 2008
Gaze gestures or dwell-based interaction?
A Hyrskykari, H Istance, S Vickers
Proceedings of the Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications, 229-232, 2012
Design issues of iDict: a gaze-assisted translation aid
A Hyrskykari, P Majaranta, A Aaltonen, KJ Räihä
Proceedings of the 2000 symposium on Eye tracking research & applications, 9-14, 2000
Utilizing eye movements: Overcoming inaccuracy while tracking the focus of attention during reading
A Hyrskykari
Computers in human behavior 22 (4), 657-671, 2006
Graphical specification of algorithm animations with Aladdin
E Helttula, A Hyrskykari, KJ Raiha
Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Annual Hawaii International Conference on …, 1989
From gaze control to attentive interfaces
A Hyrskykari, P Majaranta, KJ Räihä
Proceedings of HCII 2, 2005
Proactive Response to Eye Movements.
A Hyrskykari, P Majaranta, KJ Räihä
INTERACT 3, 129-136, 2003
Eyes in attentive interfaces: Experiences from creating iDict, a gaze-aware reading aid
A Hyrskykari
Tampere University Press, 2006
Evaluating eye tracking systems for computer input
IS MacKenzie
Gaze interaction and applications of eye tracking: Advances in assistive …, 2012
For your eyes only: Controlling 3d online games by eye-gaze
H Istance, A Hyrskykari, S Vickers, T Chaves
Human-Computer Interaction–INTERACT 2009: 12th IFIP TC 13 International …, 2009
Performing locomotion tasks in immersive computer games with an adapted eye-tracking interface
S Vickers, H Istance, A Hyrskykari
ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing (TACCESS) 5 (1), 1-33, 2013
Gaze-based interaction with massively multiplayer on-line games
H Istance, S Vickers, A Hyrskykari
CHI'09 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 4381-4386, 2009
Eye movements and human-computer interaction
P Majaranta, KJ Räihä, A Hyrskykari, O Špakov
Eye movement research: An introduction to its scientific foundations and …, 2019
Attentive interfaces for users with disabilities: eye gaze for intention and uncertainty estimation
H Prendinger, A Hyrskykari, M Nakayama, H Istance, N Bee, Y Takahasi
Universal Access in the Information Society 8, 339-354, 2009
Keeping an eye on the game: Eye gaze interaction with massively multiplayer online games and virtual communities for motor impaired users.
S Vickers, H Istance, A Hyrskykari, N Ali, R Bates
Development of program visualization systems
A Hyrskykari, T Lindberg, E Mäkinen
University of Tampere, 1995
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