Simona Monaco
Simona Monaco
Center for Mind/Brain Sciences, University of Trento
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Functional magnetic resonance imaging reveals the neural substrates of arm transport and grip formation in reach-to-grasp actions in humans
C Cavina-Pratesi, S Monaco, P Fattori, C Galletti, TD McAdam, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 30 (31), 10306-10323, 2010
Allocentric versus egocentric representation of remembered reach targets in human cortex
Y Chen, S Monaco, P Byrne, X Yan, DYP Henriques, JD Crawford
Journal of Neuroscience 34 (37), 12515-12526, 2014
Functional magnetic resonance adaptation reveals the involvement of the dorsomedial stream in hand orientation for grasping
S Monaco, C Cavina-Pratesi, A Sedda, P Fattori, C Galletti, JC Culham
Journal of Neurophysiology 106 (5), 2248-2263, 2011
Human fMRI reveals that delayed action re-recruits visual perception
A Singhal, S Monaco, LD Kaufman, JC Culham
PLoS One 8 (9), e73629, 2013
Visual, somatosensory, and bimodal activities in the macaque parietal area PEc
R Breveglieri, C Galletti, S Monaco, P Fattori
Cerebral cortex 18 (4), 806-816, 2008
Human neuroimaging reveals the subcomponents of grasping, reaching and pointing actions
C Cavina-Pratesi, JD Connolly, S Monaco, TD Figley, AD Milner, ...
Cortex 98, 128-148, 2018
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Adaptation Reveals the Cortical Networks for Processing Grasp-Relevant Object Properties
S Monaco, Y Chen, WP Medendorp, JD Crawford, K Fiehler, ...
Cerebral Cortex, 2013
Neural correlates of object size and object location during grasping action
S Monaco, A Sedda, C Cavina-Pratesi, C Culham, Jody
European Journal of Neuroscience 41 (4), 454–465, 2014
Contribution of visual and proprioceptive information to the precision of reaching movements
S Monaco, G Króliczak, DJ Quinlan, P Fattori, C Galletti, MA Goodale, ...
Experimental brain research 202, 15-32, 2010
Decoding motor imagery and action planning in the early visual cortex: overlapping but distinct neural mechanisms
S Monaco, G Malfatti, JC Culham, L Cattaneo, L Turella
Neuroimage 218, 116981, 2020
Temporal evolution of target representation, movement direction planning, and reach execution in occipital–parietal–frontal cortex: an fMRI study
DC Cappadocia, S Monaco, Y Chen, G Blohm, JD Crawford
Cerebral Cortex 27 (11), 5242-5260, 2017
Integration of visual and auditory information for hand actions: preliminary evidence for the contribution of natural sounds to grasping
A Sedda, S Monaco, G Bottini, MA Goodale
Experimental brain research 209, 365-374, 2011
Recruitment of foveal retinotopic cortex during haptic exploration of shapes and actions in the dark
S Monaco, JP Gallivan, TD Figley, A Singhal, JC Culham
Journal of Neuroscience 37 (48), 11572-11591, 2017
Parietal cortex integrates saccade and object orientation signals to update grasp plans
BR Baltaretu, S Monaco, J Velji-Ibrahim, GN Luabeya, JD Crawford
Journal of Neuroscience 40 (23), 4525-4535, 2020
Psychophysical and neuroimaging responses to moving stimuli in a patient with the Riddoch phenomenon due to bilateral visual cortex lesions
MJ Arcaro, L Thaler, DJ Quinlan, S Monaco, S Khan, KF Valyear, ...
Neuropsychologia 128, 150-165, 2019
Neural substrates for allocentric‐to‐egocentric conversion of remembered reach targets in humans
Y Chen, S Monaco, JD Crawford
European Journal of Neuroscience 47 (8), 901-917, 2018
Impaired peripheral reaching and on-line corrections in patient DF: Optic ataxia with visual form agnosia
S Rossit, M Harvey, SH Butler, L Szymanek, S Morand, S Monaco, ...
Cortex 98, 84-101, 2018
Flexible reference frames for grasp planning in human parietofrontal cortex
FTM Leoné, S Monaco, DYP Henriques, I Toni, WP Medendorp
ENeuro 2 (3), 2015
Predictive coding of action intentions in dorsal and ventral visual stream is based on visual anticipations, memory-based information and motor preparation
S Monaco, G Malfatti, A Zendron, E Pellencin, L Turella
Brain Structure and Function 224, 3291-3308, 2019
Which aspects of hand-preshaping does human AIP compute during visually guided actions? Evidence from event-related fMRI
C Cavina-Pratesi, S Monaco, T McAdam, D Milner, T Schenk, JC Culham
Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA, November, 2007
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Articles 1–20