Marina Tulin
Cited by
Cited by
Personality and social capital
M Tulin, B Lancee, B Volker
Social psychology quarterly 81 (4), 295-318, 2018
Perceived group cohesion versus actual social structure: A study using social network analysis of egocentric Facebook networks
M Tulin, TV Pollet, N Lehmann-Willenbrock
Social Science Research 74, 161-175, 2018
Whom do we lose? The case of dissimilarity in personal networks
M Tulin, G Mollenhorst, B Volker
Social Networks 65, 51-62, 2021
Does mentoring make immigrants more desirable? A conjoint analysis
A Weiss, M Tulin
Migration Studies 9 (3), 808-829, 2021
The same place but different: How neighborhood context differentially affects homogeneity in networks of different social groups
M Tulin, B Volker, B Lancee
Journal of Urban Affairs 43 (1), 57-76, 2021
Hormones in speed-dating: The role of testosterone and cortisol in attraction
L van der Meij, A Demetriou, M Tulin, I Méndez, P Dekker, T Pronk
Hormones and Behavior 116, 104555, 2019
Taking stock and re-examining the role of science communication
J Roche, R Arias, L Bell, M Boscolo, A Fornetti, A Knutas, F Kupper, ...
Frontiers in Environmental Science 9, 734081, 2021
As Iron Sharpens Iron: A mentoring approach to labour market integration for humanitarian migrants
A Weiss, M Tulin
International journal of evidence based coaching and mentoring 17 (2), 122-137, 2019
Poverty and mental health among migrants: When is ingroup exposure more protective than social ties?
M Tulin, S Smith
SSM-Population Health 11, 100599, 2020
Mistakenly misinformed or intentionally deceived? Mis‐and Disinformation perceptions on the Russian War in Ukraine among citizens in 19 countries
M Hameleers, M Tulin, C De Vreese, T Aalberg, P Van Aelst, AS Cardenal, ...
European Journal of Political Research 63 (4), 1642-1654, 2024
Justifying an Invasion: When Is Disinformation Successful?
J Zilinsky, Y Theocharis, F Pradel, M Tulin, C de Vreese, T Aalberg, ...
Political Communication, 1-22, 2024
Why do citizens choose to read fact-checks in the context of the Russian war in Ukraine? The role of directional and accuracy motivations in nineteen democracies
M Tulin, M Hameleers, C de Vreese, T Aalberg, N Corbu, P Van Erkel, ...
The International Journal of Press/Politics, 19401612241233533, 2024
Acquaintances or familiar strangers? How similarity and spatial proximity shape neighbour relations within residential buildings
M Felder, G Favre, M Tulin, P Koutsolampros
Housing, Theory and Society 40 (5), 642-659, 2023
Beyond Belief Correction: Effects of the Truth Sandwich on Perceptions of Fact-checkers and Verification Intentions
M Tulin, M Hameleers, C De Vreese, M Opgenhaffen, F Wouters
Journalism Practice, 1-20, 2024
New trends in science communication fostering evidence-informed policymaking
G Szüdi, P Bartar, G Weiss, G Pellegrini, M Tulin, T Oomen
Open Research Europe 2, 78, 2023
Misinformation detection in the context of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine: Evidence from original survey data collected in 19 democracies
L Gehle, M Hameleers, M Tulin, C de Vreese, T Aalberg, P Van Aelst, ...
International Journal of Public Opinion Research 36 (3), edad040, 2024
Comparing the effectiveness of different fact-check formats: Using the truth sandwich and explicit falsehood labels
M Tulin, M Hameleers, C de Vreese
Sociaal kapitaal hangt voor een deel af van persoonlijkheid
B Volker, B Lancee, M Tulin
Sociale Vraagstukken, 2019
Blind Spots in Social Resource Theory
M Tulin
Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers, 2019
Disinformation in Open Online Media
D Ceolin, T Caselli, M Tulin
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Articles 1–20