E.P.J. Boer
E.P.J. Boer
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Kriging and thin plate splines for mapping climate variables
EPJ Boer, KM de Beurs, AD Hartkamp
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 3 (2 …, 2001
Predicting the initial freezing point and water activity of meat products from composition data
RGM Van der Sman, E Boer
Journal of Food Engineering 66 (4), 469-475, 2005
Actual distribution of Cronobacter spp. in industrial batches of powdered infant formula and consequences for performance of sampling strategies
I Jongenburger, MW Reij, EPJ Boer, LGM Gorris, MH Zwietering
International Journal of Food Microbiology 151 (1), 62-69, 2011
Fresh, frozen, or ambient food equivalents and their impact on food waste generation in Dutch households
AM Janssen, MA Nijenhuis-de Vries, EPJ Boer, S Kremer
Waste management 67, 298-307, 2017
Factors influencing the accuracy of the plating method used to enumerate low numbers of viable micro-organisms in food
I Jongenburger, MW Reij, EPJ Boer, LGM Gorris, MH Zwietering
International Journal of Food Microbiology 143 (1-2), 32-40, 2010
Random or systematic sampling to detect a localised microbial contamination within a batch of food
I Jongenburger, MW Reij, EPJ Boer, LGM Gorris, MH Zwietering
Food Control 22 (8), 1448-1455, 2011
A new method to apply and quantify bruising sensitivity of button mushrooms
A Weijn, MMM Tomassen, S Bastiaan-Net, MLI Wigham, EPJ Boer, ...
LWT 47 (2), 308-314, 2012
Modelling homogeneous and heterogeneous microbial contaminations in a powdered food product
I Jongenburger, MW Reij, EPJ Boer, MH Zwietering, LGM Gorris
International Journal of Food Microbiology 157 (1), 35-44, 2012
Optimized enzymatic synthesis of C-terminal peptide amides using subtilisin A from Bacillus licheniformis
CG Boeriu, AE Frissen, E Boer, K van Kekem, DJ van Zoelen, IF Eggen
Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic 66 (1-2), 33-42, 2010
Global optimization problems in optimal design of experiments in regression models
EPJ Boer, EMT Hendrix
Journal of Global Optimization 18, 385-398, 2000
Breast-feeding duration and child eating characteristics in relation to later vegetable intake in 2–6-year-old children in ten studies throughout Europe
VWT de Wild, G Jager, A Olsen, V Costarelli, E Boer, GG Zeinstra
Public health nutrition 21 (12), 2320-2328, 2018
Perception of food-related risks: Difference between consumers and experts and changes over time
WP Van der Vossen-Wijmenga, MH Zwietering, EPJ Boer, E Velema, ...
Food Control 141, 109142, 2022
Optimization of a monitoring network for sulfur dioxide
EPJ Boer, ALM Dekkers, A Stein
Journal of Environmental Quality 31 (1), 121-128, 2002
Locally optimal designs in non-linear regression: A case study of the Michaelis-Menten function
EPJ Boer, D Rasch, EMT Hendrix
Advances in Stochastic Simulation Methods, 177-188, 2000
Effect of a holistic meal and ambiance concept on main meal enjoyment and food intake of Dutch nursing home residents: A pilot study
S Kremer, J Derks, MA Nijenhuis, E Boer, M Gorselink
Journal of Aging Research & Clinical Practice 1, 237-244, 2012
Optimization of monitoring networks for estimation of the semivariance function
EPJ Boer, EMT Hendrix, D Rasch
mODa 6—Advances in Model-Oriented Design and Analysis: Proceedings of the …, 2001
Controlled enzymatic production of oligosaccharide templates for hyaluronan synthesis
CG Boeriu, G Boswinkel, FK Kooy, E Boer
8th International symposium on Biocatalysis and Biotranformations, 2007
Stakeholderanalyse" Oogsten in Ketens"
L Coppens, SM Pegge, EPJ Boer
Agrotechnology & Food Sciences Group, 2006
Vaststellen van de bemonsteringsnauwkeurigheid van drijfmest
P Hoeksma, E Boer
Agrotechnology & Food Innovations, 2005
Interpolation and optimal monitoring in space and time
EPJ Boer
PQDT-Global, 2002
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Articles 1–20