Marcelo A. Dias
Marcelo A. Dias
University of Edinburgh, Reader in Structural Engineering
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Cited by
Stiffness of the human foot and evolution of the transverse arch
M Venkadesan, A Yawar, CM Eng, MA Dias, DK Singh, SM Tommasini, ...
Nature 579 (7797), 97-100, 2020
Geometric mechanics of curved crease origami
MA Dias, LH Dudte, L Mahadevan, CD Santangelo
Physical review letters 109 (11), 114301, 2012
Multistable kirigami for tunable architected materials
Y Yang, MA Dias, DP Holmes
Physical Review Materials 2 (11), 110601, 2018
Kirigami actuators
MA Dias, MP McCarron, D Rayneau-Kirkhope, PZ Hanakata, ...
Soft matter 13 (48), 9087-9092, 2017
“Wunderlich, meet Kirchhoff”: A general and unified description of elastic ribbons and thin rods
MA Dias, B Audoly
Journal of Elasticity 119, 49-66, 2015
Programmed buckling by controlled lateral swelling in a thin elastic sheet
MA Dias, JA Hanna, CD Santangelo
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 84 (3 …, 2011
A non-linear rod model for folded elastic strips
MA Dias, B Audoly
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 62, 57-80, 2014
The shape and mechanics of curved-fold origami structures
MA Dias, CD Santangelo
Europhysics Letters 100 (5), 54005, 2012
Swimming near deformable membranes at low Reynolds number
MA Dias, TR Powers
Physics of Fluids 25 (10), 2013
Overcurvature induced multistability of linked conical frusta: how a ‘bendy straw’holds its shape
NP Bende, T Yu, NA Corbin, MA Dias, CD Santangelo, JA Hanna, ...
Soft matter 14 (42), 8636-8642, 2018
Can confined mechanical metamaterials replace adhesives?
AEF Athanasiadis, MA Dias, MK Budzik
Extreme Mechanics Letters 48, 101411, 2021
Analytic analysis of auxetic metamaterials through analogy with rigid link systems
D Rayneau-Kirkhope, C Zhang, L Theran, MA Dias
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering …, 2018
Recipes for selecting failure modes in 2-d lattices
DJ Rayneau-Kirkhope, MA Dias
Extreme Mechanics Letters 9, 11-20, 2016
Foldable Cones as a Framework for Nonrigid Origami
I Andrade, M Adda-Bedia, MA Dias
Physical Review E 100 (3), 033003, 2019
Tunable wrinkling of thin nematic liquid crystal elastomer sheets
MS Krieger, MA Dias
Physical Review E 100 (2), 022701, 2019
Diffusion of a Brownian ellipsoid in a force field
E Aurell, S Bo, M Dias, R Eichhorn, R Marino
Europhysics letters 114 (3), 30005, 2016
On local kirigami mechanics I: Isometric conical solutions
S Sadik, MA Dias
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 151, 104370, 2021
Lifting kirigami actuators up where they belong: Possibilities for SCI
MH Kaspersen, S Hines, M Moore, MK Rasmussen, MA Dias
Proceedings of the 2019 on Designing Interactive Systems Conference, 935-947, 2019
Minimal model for transient swimming in a liquid crystal
MS Krieger, MA Dias, TR Powers
The European Physical Journal E 38, 1-9, 2015
Cutting holes in bistable folds
T Yu, I Andrade-Silva, MA Dias, JA Hanna
Mechanics Research Communications 124, 103700, 2022
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Articles 1–20