Holger Steffen
Holger Steffen
Geophysicist/Geodesist, Lantmäteriet
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Glacial isostatic adjustment in Fennoscandia—a review of data and modeling
H Steffen, P Wu
Journal of Geodynamics 52 (3-4), 169-204, 2011
Holocene relative sea-level change, isostatic subsidence and the radial viscosity structure of the mantle of northwest Europe (Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, southern North …
A Vink, H Steffen, L Reinhardt, G Kaufmann
Quaternary Science Reviews 26 (25-28), 3249-3275, 2007
Groundwater storage changes in the Tibetan Plateau and adjacent areas revealed from GRACE satellite gravity data
L Xiang, H Wang, H Steffen, P Wu, L Jia, L Jiang, Q Shen
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 449, 228-239, 2016
NKG2016LU: a new land uplift model for Fennoscandia and the Baltic Region
O Vestøl, J Ågren, H Steffen, H Kierulf, L Tarasov
Journal of Geodesy 93, 1759-1779, 2019
A GPS velocity field for Fennoscandia and a consistent comparison to glacial isostatic adjustment models
HP Kierulf, H Steffen, MJR Simpson, M Lidberg, P Wu, H Wang
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 119 (8), 6613-6629, 2014
Increased water storage in North America and Scandinavia from GRACE gravity data
H Wang, L Jia, H Steffen, P Wu, L Jiang, H Hsu, L Xiang, Z Wang, B Hu
Nature Geoscience 6 (1), 38-42, 2013
Glacial isostatic adjustment of Scandinavia and northwestern Europe and the radial viscosity structure of the Earth's mantle
H Steffen, G Kaufmann
Geophysical Journal International 163 (2), 801-812, 2005
Intraplate seismicity in northern Central Europe is induced by the last glaciation
C Brandes, H Steffen, R Steffen, P Wu
Geology 43 (7), 611-614, 2015
Three-dimensional finite-element modeling of the glacial isostatic adjustment in Fennoscandia
H Steffen, G Kaufmann, P Wu
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 250 (1-2), 358-375, 2006
On reduction of long-period horizontal seismic noise using local barometric pressure
W Zürn, J Exß, H Steffen, C Kroner, T Jahr, M Westerhaus
Geophysical Journal International 171 (2), 780-796, 2007
Activity along the Osning Thrust in Central Europe during the Lateglacial: ice-sheet and lithosphere interactions
C Brandes, J Winsemann, J Roskosch, J Meinsen, DC Tanner, M Frechen, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 38, 49-62, 2012
A three-dimensional Moho depth model for the Tien Shan from EGM2008 gravity data
R Steffen, H Steffen, G Jentzsch
Tectonics 30, TC5019, 2011
Present rate of uplift in Fennoscandia from GRACE and absolute gravimetry
H Steffen, O Gitlein, H Denker, J Müller, L Timmen
Tectonophysics 474 (1-2), 69-77, 2009
Glacial isostatic adjustment in Fennoscandia from GRACE data and comparison with geodynamical models
H Steffen, H Denker, J Müller
Journal of Geodynamics 46 (3-5), 155-164, 2008
Glacially induced faulting along the NW segment of the Sorgenfrei-Tornquist Zone, northern Denmark: Implications for neotectonics and Lateglacial fault-bound basin formation
C Brandes, H Steffen, PBE Sandersen, P Wu, J Winsemann
Quaternary Science Reviews 189, 149-168, 2018
Chronological insights, cultural change, and resource exploitation on the west coast of Sweden during the Late Palaeolithic/Early Mesolithic transition
L Schmitt, S Larsson, J Burdukiewicz, J Ziker, K Svedhage, J Zamon, ...
Oxford Journal of Archaeology 28 (1), 1-27, 2009
The effect of earth rheology and ice-sheet size on fault slip and magnitude of postglacial earthquakes
R Steffen, P Wu, H Steffen, DW Eaton
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 388, 71-80, 2014
Postglacial gravity change in Fennoscandia—three decades of repeated absolute gravity observations
PA Olsson, K Breili, V Ophaug, H Steffen, M Bilker-Koivula, E Nielsen, ...
Geophysical Journal International 217 (2), 1141-1156, 2019
A Holocene relative sea-level database for the Baltic Sea
A Rosentau, V Klemann, O Bennike, H Steffen, J Wehr, M Latinović, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 266, 107071, 2021
Stress and fault parameters affecting fault slip magnitude and activation time during a glacial cycle
R Steffen, H Steffen, P Wu, DW Eaton
Tectonics 33 (7), 1461-1476, 2014
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Articles 1–20