Jeroen van der Waal
Jeroen van der Waal
Full Professor of Sociology of Stratification, Erasmus University Rotterdam
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The new right and the welfare state: The electoral relevance of welfare chauvinism and welfare populism in the Netherlands
W De Koster, P Achterberg, J Van der Waal
International Political Science Review 34 (1), 3-20, 2013
Class is not dead—it has been buried alive: class voting and cultural voting in postwar western societies (1956–1990)
J Van der Waal, P Achterberg, D Houtman
Politics & Society 35 (3), 403-426, 2007
‘Some are more equal than others’: economic egalitarianism and welfare chauvinism in the Netherlands
J Van der Waal, P Achterberg, D Houtman, W De Koster, K Manevska
Journal of European Social Policy 20 (4), 350-363, 2010
Three worlds of welfare chauvinism? How welfare regimes affect support for distributing welfare to immigrants in Europe
J Van Der Waal, W De Koster, W Van Oorschot
Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice 15 (2), 164-181, 2013
A science confidence gap: Education, trust in scientific methods, and trust in scientific institutions in the United States, 2014
P Achterberg, W de Koster, J van der Waal
Public Understanding of Science 26 (6), 704-720, 2017
Fear of robots at work: the role of economic self-interest
F Dekker, A Salomons, J Waal
Socio-Economic Review 15 (3), 539-562, 2017
A Christian cancellation of the secularist truce? Waning Christian religiosity and waxing religious deprivatization in the West
P Achterberg, D Houtman, S Aupers, W Koster, P Mascini, J Waal
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 48 (4), 687-701, 2009
The Effect of Religiosity on Life Satisfaction in a Secularized Context: Assessing the Relevance of Believing and Belonging
J ten Kate, W de Koster, J van der Waal
Review of Religious Research, 1-21, 2017
Dutch COVID-19 lockdown measures increased trust in government and trust in science: A difference-in-differences analysis
JO Groeniger, K Noordzij, J van der Waal, W de Koster
Social Science & Medicine 275, 113819, 2021
Cultural value orientations and Christian religiosity: on moral traditionalism, authoritarianism, and their implications for voting behavior
W De Koster, J Van Der Waal
International Political Science Review 28 (4), 451-467, 2007
Statistical challenges in modelling the health consequences of social mobility: the need for diagonal reference models
J van der Waal, S Daenekindt, W de Koster
International journal of public health 62 (9), 1029-1037, 2017
Progressiveness and the new right: The electoral relevance of culturally progressive values in the Netherlands
W De Koster, P Achterberg, J Van der Waal, S Van Bohemen, R Kemmers
West European Politics 37 (3), 584-604, 2014
The Rise of the Penal State
W De Koster, J Van der Waal, P Achterberg, D Houtman
British Journal of Criminology 48 (6), 720-734, 2008
Populism and support for protectionism: The relevance of opposition to trade openness for leftist and rightist populist voting in The Netherlands
J van der Waal, W de Koster
Political studies 66 (3), 560-576, 2018
How people organise cultural attitudes: cultural belief systems and the populist radical right
S Daenekindt, W de Koster, J van der Waal
West European Politics 40 (4), 791-811, 2017
Why are depressive symptoms more prevalent among the less educated? The relevance of low cultural capital and cultural entitlement
J ten Kate, W de Koster, J van der Waal
Sociological Spectrum 37 (2), 63-76, 2017
Ethnic Segregation and Radical Right-Wing Voting in Dutch Cities
J Van der Waal, W Koster
P.(201. Ethnic Segregation and Radical Right-Wing Voting in Dutch Cities …, 2013
Unravelling the global city debate on social inequality: a firm-level analysis of wage inequality in Amsterdam and Rotterdam
J van der Waal, J Burgers
Urban Studies 46 (13), 2715-2729, 2009
Social mobility and political distrust: cults of gratitude and resentment?
S Daenekindt, J van der Waal, W de Koster
Acta Politica, 1-14, 2017
“They don’t know what it’s like to be at the bottom”: Exploring the role of perceived cultural distance in less‐educated citizens’ discontent with politicians
K Noordzij, W de Koster, J van der Waal
The British Journal of Sociology, 2020
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