Theo Pleizier
Theo Pleizier
Associate Professor Practical Theology, Protestant Theological University, Groningen
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Religious involvement in hearing sermons: A grounded theory study in empirical theology and homiletics
T Pleizier
Eburon Uitgeverij BV, 2010
Inleiding in de gereformeerde scholastiek
WJ Van Asselt, TTJ Pleizier, PL Rouwendal, PM Wisse
Reformation Heritage Books, 2011
Scholasticism reformed: essays in honour of Willem J. van Asselt
M Wisse, M Sarot, W Otten
Brill, 2010
Spiritual Formation in Local Faith Communities: A Whole-Person, Prompt-Card Approach
N Pembroke, E Kelly, T Pleizier, WS Schmidt, JA Van den Berg
Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2022
How the military context shapes spiritual care interventions by military chaplains
T Pleizier, C Schuhmann
Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling 76 (1), 4-14, 2022
Reentering Sites of Truth. Teaching Reformed Scholasticism in the Contemporary Classroom
M Bac, T Pleizier
Scholasticism Reformed, 29-54, 2010
The personal presence of the preacher in preaching: An explorative study on self-disclosure in sermons at Pentecost
A Verweij, T Pleizier
Homiletic 45 (2), 36-52, 2020
The spirituality of the Heidelberg Catechism: papers of the International Conference on the Heidelberg Catechism held in Apeldoorn 2013
A Baars, LD Bierma, EA de Boer, E Busch, F Ewerszumrode, A Mühling, ...
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2015
Locale contexten en geloofsculturen in de preekpraktijk
G Immink, P Boonstra, T Pleizier, A Verweij
God in ‘n kantelende wêreld. Pretoria: Protea Boekhuis, 274-296, 2009
Praying/Pastoral Care/Spirituality
T Pleizier
International Handbook of Practical Theology. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 431-444, 2022
Comparing multiple case studies of (military) chaplaincy care
T Pleizier, C Schuhmann
Learning from Case Studies in Chaplaincy, 102, 2020
You can remove a person from the war, but not the war from a person
G Jorissen, C Schuhmann, T Pleizier, J Körver, M Walton30
Learning from case studies in chaplaincy. Towards practice based evidence …, 2020
Legal Euthanasia in Pastoral Practice: Experiences of Pastors in the Protestant Church in the Netherlands
TA Boer, RE Bolwijn, W Graafland, TTJ Pleizier
International Journal of Public Theology 14 (1), 41-67, 2020
Reforming preaching: refugees in European sermons from the perspectives of space, body, and politics
T Pleizier, TS Kaufmann
International Academy of Practical Theology. Conference Series 1, 2019
Homiletic Transitions in The Netherlands: The Spirit, Human Language and Real Preaching
T Pleizier
International Journal of Homiletics 2 (1), 47-64, 2017
Beyond Indifference: An Elenctic Locus on Free Choice by Francesco Turrettini (1623–1687)
E Dekker, AJ Beck, TTJ Pleizier
Reformed Thought on Freedom: The Concept of Free Choice in Early Modern …, 2010
Theological concepts in empirical homiletics
FG Immink, T Pleizier
The Academy of Homilefics: 40th annual meefing, 284-293, 2005
Vitale gemeenten van nieuwe christenen: globale impressies vanuit New York en Singapore
R Brouwer, T Pleizier
Kerk en theologie 56 (3), 223-241, 2005
Protestant Parishioners, Their Pastors, and Euthanasia
W Graafland, AS Groenewoud, TTJ Pleizier, TA Boer
Journal of Empirical Theology 35 (1), 1-23, 2022
Who Cares? Exploring Pastoral Care in Dutch Protestant Parishes Using the Church Life Survey (CLS)
T Pleizier, K Zwijze-Koning, M van der Meulen
Pastoral Psychology 71 (3), 345-358, 2022
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