Corina Forascu
Corina Forascu
Faculty of Computer Science, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi
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Question answering over linked data (QALD-4)
C Unger, C Forascu, V Lopez, ACN Ngomo, E Cabrio, P Cimiano, ...
Working notes for CLEF 2014 conference, 2014
Overview of ResPubliQA 2009: Question answering evaluation over European legislation
A Peñas, P Forner, R Sutcliffe, Á Rodrigo, C Forăscu, I Alegria, ...
Multilingual Information Access Evaluation I. Text Retrieval Experiments …, 2010
Overview of QA4MRE at CLEF 2011: Question answering for machine reading evaluation.
A Peñas, EH Hovy, P Forner, Á Rodrigo, RFE Sutcliffe, C Forascu, ...
CLEF (notebook papers/labs/workshop), 1-20, 2011
Overview of the CLEF 2007 multilingual question answering track
D Giampiccolo, P Forner, J Herrera, A Peñas, C Ayache, C Forascu, ...
Advances in Multilingual and Multimodal Information Retrieval: 8th Workshop …, 2008
Overview of the clef 2008 multilingual question answering track
P Forner, A Peñas, E Agirre, I Alegria, C Forăscu, N Moreau, P Osenova, ...
Evaluating Systems for Multilingual and Multimodal Information Access: 9th …, 2009
Linguistic resources and technologies for romanian language
C Dan, F Corina
Computer Science Journal of Moldova 40 (1), 34-73, 2006
Romanian TimeBank: An annotated parallel corpus for temporal information
C Forăscu, D Tufiş
Proceedings of Language Resources and Evaluation, 3762-3766, 2012
Overview of QA4MRE Main Task at CLEF 2013.
RFE Sutcliffe, A Penas, EH Hovy, P Forner, A Rodrigo, C Forascu, ...
CLEF (Working Notes), 2013
Multi-document multilingual summarization corpus preparation, part 1: Arabic, english, greek, chinese, romanian
L Li, C Forăscu, M El-Haj, G Giannakopoulos
Proceedings of the multiling 2013 workshop on multilingual multi-document …, 2013
The Digital Form of the Thesaurus Dictionary of the Romanian Language
D Cristea, M Răschip, C Forăscu, G Haja, C Florescu, B Aldea, E Dănilă
Proceedings of the 4th International IEEE Conference SpeD, 195-206, 2007
Mapping princeton WordNet synsets onto Romanian WordNet synsets
D Cristea, C Mihaila, C Forascu, D Trandabat, M Husarciuc, G Haja, ...
Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology 7 (1-2), 125-145, 2004
Gikiclef: Crosscultural issues in multilingual information access
D Santos, LM Cabral, C Forascu, P Forner, F Gey, K Lamm, T Mandl, ...
quot; In Nicoletta Calzolari; Khalid Choukri; Bente Maegaard; Joseph Mariani …, 2010
Dicţionarul limbii române (DLR) în format electronic: studii privind achiziţionarea
G Haja, E Dănilă, C Forăscu
Alfa, 2005
Requirements-Driven Automatic Configuration of Natural Language Applications.
D Cristea, C Forascu, I Pistol
NLUCS, 47-56, 2006
How to Evaluate and Raise the Quality in a Collaborative Lexicographic Approach.
D Cristea, C Forascu, M Raschip, M Zock
LREC, 2008
Considerations Regarding the Statistical Compatibility of Two Romanian Literary Corpora with Orthography and Punctuations Marks Included
A Vlad, A Mitrea, A Luca, O Hodea, D Tufis, V Rus, C Forascu
Towards Multilingual Europe 2020: A Romanian Perspective, 99-122, 2013
Question generation: Taxonomies and data
AIED 2009: 14 th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in …, 2009
Creating expert knowledge by relying on language learners: A generic approach for mass-producing language resources by combining implicit crowdsourcing and language learning
L Nicolas, V Lyding, C Borg, C Forascu, K Fort, K Zdravkova, I Kosem, ...
LREC 2020-Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, 2020
Towards a Time Tagger for Romanian
C Forascu, D Solomon
Proceedings of the ESSLLI Student Session, 2004
Jaka ˇCibej
L Nicolas, V Lyding, C Borg, C Forascu, K Fort, K Zdravkova, I Kosem
Špela Arhar Holdt, Alice Millour, Alexander König, Christos Rodosthenous …, 2020
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Articles 1–20