Assaad Azzi
Assaad Azzi
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Doctoral students’ experiences leading to completion or attrition: A matter of sense, progress and distress
C Devos, G Boudrenghien, N Van der Linden, A Azzi, M Frenay, B Galand, ...
European journal of psychology of education 32, 61-77, 2017
The strategic confirmation of meta‐stereotypes: How group members attempt to tailor an out‐group's representation of themselves
O Klein, AE Azzi
British Journal of Social Psychology 40 (2), 279-293, 2001
Who are the doctoral students who drop out? Factors associated with the rate of doctoral degree completion in universities.
R Wollast, G Boudrenghien, N Van der Linden, BÃŽ Galand, N Roland, ...
International Journal of Higher Education 7 (4), 143-156, 2018
Psychologie sociale et relations intergroupes
AE Azzi, O Klein
Dunod, 1998
Procedural justice and the allocation of power in intergroup relations: Studies in the United States and South Africa
AE Azzi
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 18 (6), 736-747, 1992
From competitive interests, perceived injustice, and identity needs to collective action: Psychological mechanisms in ethnic nationalism
AE Azzi, C Dandeker
Nationalism and violence, 73-138, 1998
Doctoral supervision in the light of the three types of support promoted in self-determination theory
C Devos, N Van der Linden, G Boudrenghien, A Azzi, M Frenay, B Galand, ...
International Journal of Doctoral Studies 10, 439, 2015
Perceived out-group (dis) continuity and attribution of responsibility for the Lebanese civil war mediate effects of national and religious subgroup identification on …
L Licata, O Klein, W Saade, AE Azzi, NR Branscombe
Group processes & intergroup relations 15 (2), 179-192, 2012
Why do majority members prefer immigrants who adopt the host culture? The role of perceived identification with the host nation
A Roblain, A Azzi, L Licata
International journal of intercultural relations 55, 44-54, 2016
“How European am I?”: Prejudice expression and the presentation of social identity
O Klein, L Licata, AE Azzi, I Durala
Self and Identity 2 (3), 251-264, 2003
I need somebody to lean on
M De Clercq, C Devos, A Azzi, M Frenay, O Klein, B Galand
Swiss Journal of Psychology, 2019
Gaining insight into doctoral persistence: Development and validation of Doctorate-related Need Support and Need Satisfaction short scales
N Van der Linden, C Devos, G Boudrenghien, M Frenay, A Azzi, O Klein, ...
Learning and Individual Differences 65, 100-111, 2018
Implicit and category-based allocations of decision-making power in majority-minority relations
AE Azzi
Journal of experimental social psychology 29 (3), 203-228, 1993
Identity and participation in culturally diverse societies: A multidisciplinary perspective
AE Azzi, X Chryssochoou, B Klandermans, B Simon
John Wiley & Sons, 2011
Misfits between doctoral students and their supervisors:(How) are they regulated
C Devos, G Boudrenghien, N Van der Linden, M Frenay, A Azzi, B Galand, ...
International Journal of Doctoral Studies 11, 467-486, 2016
After coming in, settling in: An analysis of early-stage acculturation preferences of male Syrian and Iraqi asylum seekers in Belgium
A Roblain, B Malki, A Azzi, L Licata
International Review of Social Psychology 30 (1), 20-28, 2017
All you need is self-determination: Investigation of PhD students’ motivation profiles and their impact on the doctoral completion process
M De Clercq, M Frenay, A Azzi, O Klein, B Galand
International Journal of Doctoral Studies 16, 189, 2021
Microjustice and macrojustice in the allocation of resources between experimental groups
JT Jost, AE Azzi
The Journal of Social Psychology 136 (3), 349-365, 1996
Votes Without Power:Procedural Justice as Mutual Control in Majority‐Minority Relations1
AE Azzi, JT Jost
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 27 (2), 124-155, 1997
Facing the dropout crisis among PhD candidates: the role of supervisor support in emotional well-being and intended doctoral persistence among men and women
R Wollast, C Aelenei, J Chevalère, N Van der Linden, B Galand, A Azzi, ...
Studies in Higher Education 48 (6), 813-828, 2023
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