ritske de jong
ritske de jong
hoogleraar Cognitieve Psychologie, Universiteit van Groningen
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Conditional and unconditional automaticity: a dual-process model of effects of spatial stimulus-response correspondence.
R De Jong, CC Liang, E Lauber
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 20 (4), 731, 1994
Mental fatigue and task control: planning and preparation
MM Lorist, M Klein, S Nieuwenhuis, R De Jong, G Mulder, TF Meijman
Psychophysiology 37 (5), 614-625, 2000
In search of the point of no return: the control of response processes.
R De Jong, MGH Coles, GD Logan, G Gratton
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human perception and performance 16 (1), 164, 1990
15 An Intention-Activation Account of Residual Switch Costs
R De Jong
Control of cognitive processes, 357, 2000
Use of partial stimulus information in response processing.
R de Jong, M Wierda, G Mulder, LJ Mulder
Journal of Experimental psychology: Human perception and performance 14 (4), 682, 1988
Multiple bottlenecks in overlapping task performance.
R De Jong
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 19 (5), 965, 1993
Strategies and mechanisms in nonselective and selective inhibitory motor control.
R De Jong, MGH Coles, GD Logan
Journal of experimental psychology: Human perception and performance 21 (3), 498, 1995
Goal neglect and inhibitory limitations: Dissociable causes of interference effects in conflict situations
R De Jong, E Berendsen, R Cools
Acta psychologica 101 (2-3), 379-394, 1999
The role of preparation in overlapping-task performance
R De Jong
The Quarterly journal of experimental psychology 48 (1), 2-25, 1995
Older persons afraid of falling reduce physical activity to prevent outdoor falls
GJ Wijlhuizen, R de Jong, M Hopman-Rock
Preventive medicine 44 (3), 260-264, 2007
Adult age differences in goal activation and goal maintenance
RD Jong
European journal of cognitive psychology 13 (1-2), 71-89, 2001
Inhibitory inefficiency and failures of intention activation: age-related decline in the control of saccadic eye movements.
S Nieuwenhuis, KR Ridderinkhof, R de Jong, A Kok, MW van der Molen
Psychology and aging 15 (4), 635, 2000
A goal activation approach to the study of executive function: An application to antisaccade tasks
S Nieuwenhuis, A Broerse, MMA Nielen, R de Jong
Brain and cognition 56 (2), 198-214, 2004
Using frequency tagging to quantify attentional deployment in a visual divided attention task
P Toffanin, R de Jong, A Johnson, S Martens
International Journal of Psychophysiology 72 (3), 289-298, 2009
Strategical determinants of compatibility effects with task uncertainty
R de Jong
Acta psychologica 88 (3), 187-207, 1995
Decision making performance in obsessive compulsive disorder
MMA Nielen, DJ Veltman, R De Jong, G Mulder, JA Den Boer
Journal of Affective Disorders 69 (1-3), 257-260, 2002
Preparatory strategies in overlapping-task performance
R De Jong, JB Sweet
Perception & Psychophysics 55, 142-151, 1994
3D visualization of software architectures
L Feijs, R De Jong
Communications of the ACM 41 (12), 73-78, 1998
Pre-stimulus EEG effects related to response speed, task switching and upcoming response hand
TE Gladwin, JP Lindsen, R de Jong
Biological psychology 72 (1), 15-34, 2006
Classifying visuomotor workload in a driving simulator using subject specific spatial brain patterns
C Dijksterhuis, D De Waard, KA Brookhuis, BLJM Mulder, R de Jong
Frontiers in neuroscience 7, 149, 2013
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